Mei-Po Kwan

Kwan's Photo

Honors and Awards . Professional Service . Teaching . Research Interests
Funded Projects . Publications . Presentations . Technical Reports . Students

The Uncertain Geographic Context Problem (UGCoP)
The Neighborhood Effect Averaging Problem (NEAP)
COVID-19 Research . Geo-Narrative
3D GIS Gallery . GIS Art Gallery . Representative Publications


  • Head, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
  • Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK
  • Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK
  • Director, Institute of Future Cities, CUHK
  • Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK
My Biosketch: English | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Korean
Email: | Twitter: @meipokwan | My CUHK Faculty Page
My profiles on: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | | LinkedIn


  • 1994 Ph.D. Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 1989 M.A. Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles
  • 1985 B.SoSci. Geography, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Honors and Awards

  • Fellow, Geographical Society of China (2024)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS) (2024)
  • Outstanding Achievement Award in Modeling Geographical Systems, Modeling Geographical Systems Commission (MGSC) of the International Geographical Union (IGU) (2023)
  • James R. Anderson Medal of Honor in Applied Geography, AAG Applied Geography Specialty Group (2022) [Citation & Past Recipients | Info about the Award | CUHK Press Release]
  • Highly Cited Researcher 2021, Web of Science, Clarivate (2021) [Press release: CUHK, Full List]
  • Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography, American Association of Geographers (2021) [Citation | Chinese version]
  • Fellow, American Association of Geographers (2020) [More Information]
  • Highly Cited Researcher 2019, Web of Science, Clarivate (2019) [Press release: CUHK, UIUC, Full List]
  • Fellow, U.K. Academy of Social Sciences (2018) [More Information]
  • Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography, American Association of Geographers (2018) [Citation]
  • Alan Hay Award in Transport Geography, Transport Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) (2017)
  • Distinguished Scholar Award (2017), International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)
  • Guggenheim Fellow (2016) [More Information]
  • E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award, American Association of Geographers (2016) [Citation]
  • Melinda S. Meade Distinguished Scholarship Award, AAG Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group (2016)
  • Distinguished Scholarship Honors, Association of American Geographers (2011) [Citation] [Full List of Previous AAG Honors Recipients]
  • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2009)
  • University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Research Award (2005)
  • Edward L. Ullman Award, AAG Transportation Geography Specialty Group (2005)
  • Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (UK) (since 2004)

Professional Service

  • Editor, Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2006-2017).
  • Founder and Chair, International Geospatial Health Research Network (IGHRN) © (This international research network was founded and first named by Mei-Po Kwan in 2013).
  • General Editor, The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, 15-volume set with 9120 pages and over 1000 entries. New York: Wiley.
  • Associate Editor, Travel Behaviour and Society (2013-present); Geographical Analysis (2003-2012).
  • Editorial boards, Annals of the American Association of Geographers (2018-present); Health & Place (2022-present); Social Science & Medicine (2024-present); Geography and Sustainability (2024-present); Journal of Transport Geography (2008-present); Applied Geography (2014-present); International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) (2014-present); ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (2019-present); Geographical Analysis (2000-2002; 2012-present); Gender, Place and Culture (2003-2006); The Professional Geographer (2005-2010).
  • Member of Advisory Council, Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, USA (2020-present).
  • Scientific Advisory Board, The Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France (2019-2023).
  • The Tsinghua-Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities in China (2016-2017).
  • President, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS) (2014-2015).
  • General Chair, GIScience 2012 International Conference.
  • Charter Member, Community Influences on Health Behavior Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2010-2014).
  • Advisory panelist or reviewer of grant proposals for 14 U.S. National Science Foundation programs, U.S. National Institutes of Health, European Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Australian Research Council, Austrian Science Fund, Research Foundation of Flanders, Royal Geographical Society (U.K.), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, and Swiss National Science Foundation (1995-present).
  • National Councillor, Association of American Geographers (AAG) (2005-2008).
  • Chair, AAG Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group (2014-15) and AAG GIS Specialty Group (2005-2006).


  • Advanced GIS
  • Business Applications of Geographic Information Science
  • GIS for Social Science and Business Research
  • Design and Implementation for Geographic Information Systems
  • Graduate Seminar in Advanced GIS

Research Interests

My research addresses health, transport, environmental, and social issues in urban areas through the application of innovative geographic information system (GIS) methods. I focus on understanding how socioeconomic differences (e.g., gender, income, race, ethnicity, and religion) shape urban residents' everyday experiences and perceptions/use of the built environment. I am also interested in studying how specific characteristics of the social and physical environment affect the wellbeing and behavior of different social groups. My current projects attempt to mitigate two fundamental methodological problems while examining health-environment relationships: the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP) and the neighborhood effect averaging problem (NEAP).

My studies often rely on the primary data I collected using a wide spectrum of quantitative, qualitative, and GIS methods, including GPS tracking, real-time mobile sensing, ecological momentary assessment, activity diary surveys, and in-depth interviews. My methods have several characteristics. They attempt to capture/reflect individual experience and thus are seldom based on aggregate data or conventional administrative units such as census tracts. Much of my work to date has been undertaken at very fine spatial scales (e.g., local streets, individual buildings, and even rooms inside a building). The following are some of the main themes of my recent research:

  • geographies of health and wellbeing - environmental health, individual exposure to environmental influences (e.g., air pollution, noise, green space, the food environment) and its health impacts, subjective wellbeing, access to healthcare, spatial disparities in health and wellbeing, protection of geoprivacy in health research;
  • human mobility, urban travel and sustainable transportation - accessibility jobs and urban opportunities in space-time, the spatial mismatch between jobs and residence, interaction between land use and travel, the environmental impact of suburbanization and commuting, effects of subjective experience on the use of urban space and facilities, and sustainable city;
  • urban, environmental, health and transport issues in U.S. and Chinese cities;
  • research method - big data analytics; collection and analysis of GPS and mobile sensor data; 3D geovisualization; quantitative methods (geocomputation, spatial data analysis, structural equation models, hierarchical and multilevel models); qualitative methods (qualitative GIS, computer-aided qualitative data analysis, oral history, narrative analysis, visual narratives, ecological momentary assessment); mixed-method approaches; activity diary surveys;
  • 3D GIS - 3D GIS data models for multi-story structures; analysis of the space-time trajectories of moving objects through visualization and data mining methods; real-time positioning technologies;

My research interests are quite diverse, but several overarching dimensions can be identified: (a) an emphasis on people’s everyday experiences; (b) a focus on individual differences across multiple axes (e.g. gender, race and religion); and (c) a recognition of the need to develop new methods for representing the complexities of human behavior and the urban environment.

Funded Projects

I have received research grants totaling about US$62.9 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the U.S. National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, and other sources. The following are some of my recent projects (grant amounts are in US$ unless otherwise indicated).
  • "Advancing Geographical and Social Sciences Through Deepening Understanding of the Neighborhood Effect Averaging Problem (NEAP). Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (US$132,933.3) 2024-2025. (PI)

  • "Unraveling the Complex Interplay of Objective and Perceived Greenspace Accessibility, Greenspace Usage Patterns, and Mental Health Outcomes in High-Density Urban Environment. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (US$108,910) 2024-2025. (Co-I)

  • "Vehicle Detection and Vehicle-kilometrage Estimation Based on Remote Sensing Technologies." Smart Traffic Fund, Hong Kong Productivity Council and Transport Department. (US$921,507.4) 2023-2024. (PI)

  • "The Environmental Determinants of Mental Health: A Study Using Geographic Ecological Momentary Assessment (GEMA)." Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (US$154,022.8) 2023-2024. (PI)

  • "A Study on People's Geoprivacy Concerns for and Acceptance of COVID-19 Control Measures that Use Individual Georeferenced Data." Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (US$115,676) 2022-2024. (PI)

  • "Deploying Geospatial Big Data and Real-time Mobile Sensing to Assess the Health Impacts of Individual Exposure to Green/blue Spaces, Light at Night, Air Pollution, and Noise (GLAN)." Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Collaborative Research Fund (US$753,420) 2021-2024. (PI)

  • "Evaluating Individual Exposure to Noise and Air Pollution Using GPS and Mobile Sensors." Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (US$154,660) 2021-2023. (PI)

  • "A Robust and Reliable Resource for Accessing, Sharing, and Analyzing Confidential Geospatial Research Data." U.S. National Science Foundation (US$600,000) 2018-2022. (Co-PI)

  • "Acquisition of a National CyberGIS Facility for Computing and Data-Intensive Geospatial Research and Education." U.S. National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program (US$2.5 million) 2014-2017. (SP)

  • "CISSDA: A Unified Cyberinfrastructure Framework for Scalable Spatiotemporal Data Analytics." U.S. National Science Foundation, Big Data Science & Engineering Program (US$300,000) 2013-2015. (Co-PI)

  • "Linking Biological and Social Pathways to Adolescent Health and Well-Being." U.S. National Institute of Drug Abuse (US$255,194) 2013-2014. (SP)

  • "Addressing Challenges for Geospatial Data-Intensive Research Communities: Research on Unique Confidentiality Risks & Geospatial Data Sharing within a Virtual Data Enclave." U.S. National Science Foundation (US$400,000) 2012-2014. (Co-PI)

  • "Adolescent Health and Development in Context." U.S. National Institutes of Health (US$3 million) 2011-2016. (Co-PI)

  • "Activity Space, Social Network, and Community Influences on Adolescent Risk." William T. Grant Foundation (US$605,600) 2012-2014. (Co-PI)

  • "Evolving HIV/STI Risk Environments of FSWs on the Mexico/U.S. Border." U.S. National Institutes of Health (US$3.6 million) 2010-2014. (PI of OSU)

  • "Tobacco Cessation Interventions with Ohio Appalachian Smokers." U.S. National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health (US$3.5 million) 2009-2014. (Co-PI)

  • "Initiative in Population Research." U.S. National Institutes of Health (US$2.4 million), 2009-2014. (Co-PI)

  • "Spatial Patterns of Social Isolation, Youthful Marijuana Use, and Sexual/HIV Risk." U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health (US$700,000), 2009-2011. (Co-PI)

  • "Dynamics of Space and Time Use: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences for Crime and Problem Behaviors." U.S. National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics Program (US$700,000), 2008-2010. (Co-PI)

  • "Smokeless Tobacco Marketing Approaches to Ohio Appalachian Populations." National Cancer Institute, U.S. National Institutes of Health (US$360,000), 2008-2010. (Co-PI)

  • "Segregation and Local Crime: An Integrated Spatial Analysis." U.S. National Science Foundation, Sociology and Law and Social Science Programs (US$250,000), 2005-2007. (Co-PI)

  • "SPACE - Spatial Perspectives for Analysis in Curriculum Enhancement." U.S. National Science Foundation, CCLI National Dissemination Program (US$1.4 million), 2003-2006. (PI for OSU)

  • "The Impact of Internet Use on Women's Activity Patterns and the Gender Division of Household Labor." U.S. National Science Foundation, Information Technology Research (NSF-ITR) Program (US$200,000), 2001-2003. (PI)

Selected Publications

NEAP Figure

1. Edited Books and Special Issues

  • 2023. GeoHealth Data Science for Geographic Knowledge Discovery, Prediction and Transfer in Health Research. Jiannan Cai, Mei-Po Kwan, Min Deng, Shashi Shekhar, and Yiqun Xie (Eds) Special issue of International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

  • 2023. The Role of Geospatial Analytics in Advancing Sustainable, Healthy and Resilient Cities. Dong Liu and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds) Special issue of Sustainability.

  • 2023. Geospatial Data and Methods for Sustainable Mobility and Urban Accessibility. Zihan Kan and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds) Special issue of Sustainability.

  • 2022. Remote Sensing for Environmental Health: From Fine-Scale Measurement towards Dynamic Exposure Assessment. Song, Yimeng, Bo Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Bin Chen (Eds) Special issue of Remote Sensing.

  • 2021. Urban Informatics. Wenzhong Shi, Michael Goodchild, Michael Batty, Mei-Po Kwan, and Anshu Zhang (Eds) Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

  • 2021. Uncertainty and Context in GIScience and Geography. Yongwan Chun, Mei-Po Kwan, and Daniel A. Griffith (Eds) New York: Routledge.

  • 2021. Advances in Portable Sensing Methodologies for Urban Environments: Understanding Cities from a Mobility Perspective. Amit Birenboim, Marco Helbich, and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), Special issue of Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, forthcoming.

  • 2021. Geospatial Approaches for Understanding the Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19. Ed Manley, Eric Delmelle, Mark Birkin, Mark Gahegan, and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds) Special Issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, ongoing.

  • 2020. Geospatial Methods in Social and Behavioral Sciences. Mei-Po Kwan (Ed), Special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.

  • 2020. Spatiotemporal Big Data Analytics for Transportation Applications. Bi Yu Chen and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol. 16, No.1.

  • 2019. Uncertainty and Context in GIScience and Geography. Yongwan Chun, Mei-Po Kwan, and Daniel A. Griffith (Eds), special issue of International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol.33, No.6.

  • 2019. Human Mobility, Spatiotemporal Context, and Environmental Health: Recent Advances in Approaches and Methods. Mei-Po Kwan (Ed), special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

  • 2018. Geoprocessing in Public and Environmental Health. Marco Helbich, Paulien Hagedoorn, Derek Karssenberg, Mei-Po Kwan, Hannah Roberts, and Simon Scheider (Eds), special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.

  • 2018. Geographies of Mobility: Recent Advances in Theory and Method. Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen (Eds), New York: Routledge.

  • 2017. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. (Editor-in-Chief: Douglas Richardson, Mei-Po Kwan as one of the Section Editors) Wiley.

  • 2017. Selected Studies on Urban Development Issues in China. Donggen Wang and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Urban Geography, Vol.38, No.1.

  • 2016. Geographies of Mobility. Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen (Eds), special issue of Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Vol.106, No.2. [Table of Contents]

  • 2015. Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience: Research Frontiers in the U.S. and China. Mei-Po Kwan, Douglas Richardson, Donggen Wang and Chenghu Zhou (Eds), Dordrecht: Springer.

  • 2015. Geospatial Health Research and GIS. Xun Shi and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Annals of GIS, Vol.21, No.2.

  • 2014. Space-Time Research in GIScience. Mei-Po Kwan and Tijs Neutens (Eds), special issue of International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol.25, No.8.

  • 2014. International Perspectives on Research Directions in Geography and Urban Sustainability. Mei-Po Kwan (Ed), special issue of Asian Geographer, Vol.31, No.2.

  • 2013. Geographies of Health, Disease, and Well-Being: Recent Advances in Theory and Method. Mei-Po Kwan (Ed) New York: Routledge.

  • 2013. Weather, Geographical Contexts and Travel Behavior. Martin Dijst, Lars Böcker, and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Journal of Transport Geography, Vol.28.

  • 2013. Space-time Behavior and Geography. Mei-Po Kwan and Yanwei Chai (Eds), special issue of Progress in Geography, Vol.32, No.9 (in Chinese).

  • 2012. Geographic Information Science (Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science [GIScience 2012]) Ningchuan Xiao, Mei-Po Kwan, Michael Goodchild, and Shashi Shekhar (Eds). Berlin: Springer.

  • 2012. Geographies of Health. Mei-Po Kwan (Ed), special issue of Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.102, No.5.

  • 2012. Critical Space-Time Geographies. Tim Schwanen and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Environment and Planning A, Vol.44, No.9.

  • 2010. Time Geography and Urban Planning. Yanwei Chai, Mei-Po Kwan, and Shih-Lung Shaw (Eds), special issue of Urban Planning International, Vol.25, No.6 (in Chinese).

  • 2009. The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 12-volume set with 8250 pages (Editors in Chief: Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift; Mei-Po Kwan as one of the co-editors) Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  • 2009. Critical Quantitative Geographies. Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen (Eds), special issue of Environment and Planning A, Vol.41., No.2

  • 2009. Critical Quantitative Geographies 1: Beyond the Critical/Analytical Binary. Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen (Eds), special issue of The Professional Geographer, Vol.61, No.3.

  • 2009. Critical Quantitative Geographies 2: Practical Engagements. Tim Schwanen and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of The Professional Geographer, Vol.61, No.4.

  • 2009. ICT, Everyday Life and Urban Change. Martin Dijst, Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen (Eds), special issue of Environment and Planning B, Vol.36.

  • 2008. Transport: Critical Essays in Human Geography. Susan Hanson and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), Aldershot: Ashgate.

  • 2008. ICTs and the Decoupling of Everyday Activities, Space and Time. Tim Schwanen, Martin Dijst and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol.99, No.5.

  • 2007. Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Cara Aitchison, Peter Hopkins and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), Aldershot: Ashgate.

  • 2007. The Interaction between ICT and Human Activity-Travel Behavior. Mei-Po Kwan, Martin Dijst and Tim Schwanen (Eds), special issue of Transportation Research A, Vol.41, No.2.

  • 2006. Qualitative Research and GIS. Mei-Po Kwan and LaDona Knigge (Eds), special issue of Environment and Planning A, Vol.38, No.11.

  • 2006. The Internet, Changing Mobilities and Urban Dynamics., Tim Schwanen, Martin Dijst and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Urban Geography, Vol.27, No.7.

  • 2005. Critical GIS. Francis Harvey, Mei-Po Kwan and Marianna Pavlovskaya (Eds), special issue of Cartographica, Vol.40, No.4.

  • 2004. Addressing the Social Implications of GIS in the Technical Realm: Public Health Data and GIS. Mei-Po Kwan and Nadine Schuurman (Eds), special issue of Cartographica, Vol.39, No.2.

  • 2004. GIS and Social Science: New Rules of Engagement. Nadine Schuurman and Mei-Po Kwan (Eds), special issue of Cartographica, Vol.39, No.1.

  • 2003. Accessbility in Space and Time: A Theme in Spatially Integrated Social Science. Mei-Po Kwan, Donald Janelle and Michael Goodchild (Eds), special issue of Journal of Geographical Systems, Vol.5, No.1.

  • 2002. Feminist Geography and GIS. Mei-Po Kwan (Ed), special issue of Gender, Place and Culture, Vol.9, No.3.

2. Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • 2025. Order dispatch problem of the inter-city or inter-district ridesplitting service. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, online. (Mingyang Du, Xuefeng Li, Lin Cheng, Jie Ma, Mei-Po Kwan, and Qixiu Chenge)

  • 2025. Are low-income groups more dependent on community space? A case study of Nanjing. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, forthcoming. (Hui Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Mingxing Hu, and Bing Qiu)

  • 2025. Space-time analysis of refueling patterns of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) using GPS trajectory data and machine learning. Transactions in GIS, forthcoming. (Dong Liu, Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, and Luliang Tang)

  • 2025. Analytically articulating the effect of buffer size on urban green space exposure measures. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, online. (Yang liu , Mei-Po Kwan, and Jianying Wang)

  • 2024. Machine-based understanding of noise perception in urban environments using mobility-based sensing data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 114: 102204. (Liuyi Song, Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Yang Liu, and Yan Zhang)

  • 2024. Individual-level noise exposure and its association with sleep quality and duration: A cross-sectional study using real-time data. Science of the Total Environment, 955: 177047. (Wenzhen Li, Jiannan Cai, Gengze Liao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lap Ah Tse)

  • 2024. The universal neighborhood effect averaging in mobility-dependent environmental exposures. Environmental Science & Technology, online. (Jiannan Cai and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2024. Uncovering travel communities among older and younger adults using smart card data. Applied Geography, 173: 103453. (Jiaomin Wei, Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Dong Liu, LixianSu, and Yanyan Chen)

  • 2024. Assessing the affective quality of soundscape for individuals: Using third-party assessment combined with an artificial intelligence (TPA-AI) model. Science of the Total Environment, 953: 176083. (Linsen Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Suhong Zhou, and Dong Liu(

  • 2024. Inter-relationships among individual views of COVID-19 control measures across multi-cultural contexts. Social Science & Medicine. 358: 117247. (Jianwei Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, Minh Kieu, Jiyeong Lee, Tim Schwanen and Ikuho Yamada)

  • 2024. Non-linear associations between noise level and people's short-term noise annoyance in different activity contexts. Environmental Research, 260: 119772. (Jiangyu Song, Suhong Zhou, Dan Zou, Mei-Po Kwan, Jiannan Cai, and Junwen Lu)

  • 2024. Associations of smoking status with carotid atherosclerosis: mediated role of blood indexes and blood pressure. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, online. (Wenzhen Li, Dajie Chen, Samuel Yeung-shan Wong, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lap Ah Tse)

  • 2024. Sensing noise exposure and its inequality based on noise complaint data through a vision-language hybrid method. Applied Geography, 171: 103369. (Yan Zhang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Haoran Ma)

  • 2024. A robust method for evaluating the potentials of 15-minute cities: Implications for sustainable urban futures. Geography and Sustainability, 5(4): 597-606.(Jianying Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Gezhi Xiu, and Fangxu Deng)

  • 2024. How mobility and temporal contexts may affect environmental exposure measurements: Using outdoor artificial light at night (ALAN) and urban green space as examples. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 114(5): 1098-1117. (Yang Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Changda Yu)

  • 2024. Mapping environmental suitability changes for arbovirus mosquitoes in Southeast Asia: 1960-2020. iScience, 27(8): 110498. (Weitao Hou, Yuxuan Zhou, Wei Luo, Lin Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Alex R. Cook)

  • 2024. How mobility pattern shapes the association between static greenspace and dynamic greenspace exposure. Environmental Research, forthcoming. (Lingwei Zheng, Mei-Po Kwan, Yang Liu, Dong Liu, Jianwei Huang, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2024. Association of residential greenness with incident allergic rhinitis among adults: A prospective analysis of UK Biobank. Science of the Total Environment, 946: 174184. (Xueqiong Weng, Gengze Liao, Feng Wang, Wenzhen Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Victoria Arrandale, and Lap Ah Tse)

  • 2024. Confounding associations between green space and outdoor artificial light at night: Systematic investigations and implications for urban health. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 21: 100436. (Yang Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Jianying Wang, and Jiannan Cai)

  • 2024. Examining the relationship between social context and community attachment through the daily social context averaging effect. Geografiska Annaler B, 106(2): 196-216. (Junwen Lu, Suhong Zhou, Zhong Zheng, Lin Liu, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2024. Mobility census for monitoring rapid urban development. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 21(214): 20230495. (Gezhi Xiu, Jianying Wang, Thilo Gross, Mei-Po Kwan, Xia Peng, and Yu Liu)

  • 2024. Assessing the fluctuations in job accessibility under travel time uncertainty. Applied Geography, 167: 103296. (Jianying Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Gezhi Xiu)

  • 2024. How does urbanization affect the cognitive function among older adults: A geospatial analysis in China. Health and Place, 88: 103259. (Wenxin Tian, Kai Cao, Mei-Po Kwan, Marcus Yu Lung Chiu, and Huashuai Chen)

  • 2024. Comparing subjective and objective greenspace accessibility: Implications for real greenspace usage among adults. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 96: 128335. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Zhenchuan Yang, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2024. Exploration of human activity fragmentation in cyber and physical spaces using massive mobile phone data. Annals of GIS, 1-18. (Minglei Liao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Xintao Liu)

  • 2024. Generation of intra-community roads based on human-flow modeling (HFM). International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 38(7): 1256-1290. (Lin Yang, Meili Ai, Mei-Po Kwan, Zejun Zuo, Yangjuan Zhang, Shunping Zhou, Shan Luo, and Yuanxiang Chen)

  • 2024. Impacts of street tree abundance, greenery, structure and management on residential house prices in New York City. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 94: 128288. (Jian Lin, Bo Huang, Qiang Wang, Min Chen, Harry F. Lee, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2024. Mobility-oriented measurements of people's rxposure to outdoor artificial light at night (ALAN) and the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP). PLoS ONE, online. (Yang Liu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2024. Assessment of air pollution and air quality perception mismatch using mobility-based real-time exposure. PLoS ONE, 19(2): e0294605. (Wanying Song, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jianwei Huang)

  • 2024. Dynamic greenspace exposure, individual mental health status and momentary stress level: A study using multiple greenspace measurements. Health and Place, 86: 103213. (Changda Yu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2024. Unraveling adaptive changes in electric-vehicle charging behavior towards the post-pandemic era by federated meta-learning. The Innovation, online. (Linlin You, Rui Zhu, Mei-Po Kwan, Min Chen, Fan Zhang, Bisheng Yang, Man Sing Wong, and Zheng Qinet)

  • 2024. Measuring age-friendliness of streets' walking environment using multi-source big data: A case study in Shanghai, China. Cities, 148: 104829. (Wei Zhen, Kai Cao, Mei-Po Kwan, Yinghong Jiang, and Qiushi Feng)

  • 2024. Application of the local colocation quotient method in jobs-housing balance measurement based on mobile phone data: A case study of Nanjing City. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, online. (Hao Liu , Mei-Po Kwan, Mingxing Hua, Hui Wang, and Jiemin Zheng)

  • 2024. Relationship between individuals' epidemic risk perception within living space and subjective well-being: Empirical evidence from China after the First Wave of COVID-19. Chinese Geographical Science, online. (Jiangyu Song, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zhong Zheng)

  • 2024. Development of a chrono-urbanism status composite index under the 5/10/15-minute city concept using social media big data. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, forthcoming. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Lan Wang, Zihan Kan, Jianying Wang, and Jingbo Huang)

  • 2024. The interplay among individuals' distress, daily activities, and perceptions of COVID-19 and neighborhood cohesion: A study using network analysis. PLoS ONE, 19(1): e0293157. (Zhenchuan Yang, Jianwei Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Dong Liu)

  • 2024. A spatial network-based assessment of individual exposure to COVID-19. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, forthcoming. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Jianwei Huang, Jiannan Cai, and Dong Liu)

  • 2024. Investigating the neighborhood effect averaging problem (NEAP) in greenspace exposure: A study in Beijing. Landscape and Urban Planning, 243: 104970. (Jianying wang, Me-Po Kwan, Gezhi Xiu, Xia Peng, and Yu Liu)

  • 2024. Towards healthcare access equality: Understanding spatial accessibility to healthcare services for wheelchair users. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 108: 102069. (Kun Chen, Pengxiang Zhao, Kun Qin, Mei-Po Kwan, Niman Wang)

  • 2024. Developing the 15-Minute City: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Status in Hong Kong. Travel Behaviour & Society, 34: 100666. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jianying Wang)

  • 2024. Geographic uncertainties in external exposome studies: A multi-scale approach to reduce exposure misclassification. Science of the Total Environment, 906: 167637 online. (Tian Tian, Mei-Po Kwan, Roel C. H. Vermeulen, and Marco Helbich)

  • 2024. Real-time taxi spatial anomaly detection based on vehicle trajectory prediction. Travel Behaviour & Society, 34: 100698. (Wenyan Hu, Mengya Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Haifeng Luo, and Bingkun Chen)

  • 2024. Assessing multi-spatial driving factors of urban land use transformation in megacities: A case study of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2000 to 2018. Geo-spatial Information Science, online. (Yuan Meng, Man Sing Wong, Mei-Po Kwan, Jamie Pearce, and Zhiqiang Feng)

  • 2024. Assessing changes in job accessibility and commuting time under bike-sharing scenarios. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 20(1): 1-17. (Jianying Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenpu Cao, Yongxi Gong, Liang Guo, and Yu Liu)

  • 2023. Graph distance and feature-guided multi-view clustering: A novel method for clustering urban buildings. Transactions in GIS, 27(8): 2127-2158. (Lin Yang, Ruolin Yang, Zejun Zuo, Mei-Po Kwan, and Shunping Zhou)

  • 2023. Understanding social inequality in individual perceived exposures to air pollution in residential and visited neighborhoods: A study using association rule mining. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113(10): 2392-2416. (Jiannan Cai and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. People's political views, perceived social norms, and individualism shape their privacy concerns for and acceptance of pandemic control measures that use individual-level georeferenced data. International Journal of Health Geographics, 22: 35. (Mei-Po Kwan, Jianwei Huang, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2023. How did urban environmental characteristics influence land surface temperature in Hong Kong from 2017 to 2022? Evidence from remote sensing and land use data. Sustainability, 15(21): 15511. (Zherong Wu, Xinyang Zhang, Peifeng Ma, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yang Liu)

  • 2023. Current methods for evaluating people's exposure to green space: A scoping review. Social Science & Medicine, 338: 116303. (Yang Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Man Sing Wong, and Changda Yu)

  • 2023. Air pollution perception bias: Mismatch between air pollution exposure and perceived air quality in real-time contexts. Health and Place, 84: 103129. (Wanying Song and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Understanding spatially nonstationary effects of natural and human-induced factors on land subsidence based on multi-temporal InSAR and multi-source geospatial data: a case study in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(2): 4404-4427. (Zherong Wu, Xinyang Zhang, Jiannan Cai, Mei-Po Kwan, Hui Lin, and Peifeng Ma)

  • 2023. Examining the effects of station-level factors on metro ridership using multiscale geographically weighted regression. Journal of Transport Geography, 113: 103720. (Mengya Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenyan Hu, Rui Li, and Jun Wang)

  • 2023. Identifying spatial heterogeneity of COVID-19 transmission clusters and their built-environment features at the neighbourhood scale. Health and Place, 84: 103130. (Lan Wang, Zhanzhan Hu, Kaichen Zhou, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Causal inference from cross-sectional earth system data with geographical convergent cross mapping. Nature Communications, 14: 5875. (Bingbo Gao, Jianyu Yang, Ziyue Chen, George Sugihara, Manchun Li, Alfred Stein, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jinfeng Wang)

  • 2023. Nonstationary relationships among individuals' concurrent exposures to noise, air pollution and greenspace: A mobility-based study using GPS and mobile sensing data. Health and Place, 83: 103115. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Jiannan Cai, Yang Liu, and Dong Liu)

  • 2023. Association between metabolic syndrome and mortality: A prospective cohort study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 9: e44073. (Wenzhen Li, Dajie Chen, Ying Peng, Zuxun Lu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lap Ah Tse)

  • 2023. Extracting hierarchical boundaries of places from noisy geotagged user-generated content. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122: 103455. (Jianying Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Gezhi Xiu, Yuxia Wang, and Yu Liu)

  • 2023. Exploring the effects of urban spatial structure on green space in Chinese cities proper. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 87: 128059. (Shuaishuai Han, Mei-Po Kwan, Changhong Miao, and Bindong Sun)

  • 2023. How people's COVID-19-induced worries and multiple environmental exposures are associated with their depression, anxiety, and stress during the pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(16), 6620. (Jianwei Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, Lap Ah Tse, and Sylvia Y. He)

  • 2023. Associations between COVID-19 risk, multiple environmental exposures, and housing conditions: A study using individual-level GPS-based real-time sensing data. Applied Geography, 153: 102904. (Jianwei Huang and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Perceiving noise in daily life: How real-time sound characteristics affect personal momentary noise annoyance in various activity microenvironments and times of day. Health & Place, 83: 103053. (Jiannan Cai, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, and Jianwei Huang)

  • 2023. A context-based approach for neighbourhood life circle delineation and internal spatial utilization analysis based on GIS and GPS tracking data. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, forthcoming. (Jue Wang, Xue Zhang, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Sense of place, subjective well-being, and the influence of housing and neighbourhood: A comparative study of two marginalised districts in Hong Kong. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 4: 100153. (Ching Yeung Katherine Li, Lok Ching Jenny Leung, Mee Kam Ng, Wing Yan Charis Leung, Tsz Chun Arthur Yeung, Chun Hei Alex Cheng, Hendrik Tieben, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Quantifying the spatial spillover effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on pandemic risk. International Journal of Health Geographics, 22(1):13. (Keli Wang, Xiaoyi Han, Lei Dong, Xiao-jian Chen, Gezhi Xiu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yu Liu)

  • 2023.The uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP) in measuring people's exposure to green space using the integrated 3S approach. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 85: 127972. (Yang Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Changda Yu)

  • 2023. The contrasting effects of interregional networks and local agglomeration on R&D productivity in Chinese provinces: Insights from an empirical spatial Durbin model. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 193: 122608. (Xionghe Qin, Xueli Wang, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Examining the relationship between social context and community attachment through the daily social context averaging effect. Geografiska Annaler B, online. (Junwen Lu, Suhong Zhou, Zhong Zheng, Lin Liu, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Sex differences in the associations of sleep-wake characteristics and rest-activity circadian rhythm with specific obesity types among Hong Kong community-dwelling older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 113: 105042. (Priscilla Ming Yi Lee, Gengze Liao, Chun Yuk Jason Tsang, Chi Chiu Leung, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lap Ah Tse)

  • 2023. Artificial intelligence and visual analytics in understanding geographical and cyberspace: Research opportunities and challenges. Earth-Science Reviews, 241: 104438. (Min chen, Christophe Claramunt, Arzu Çöltekin, Xintao Liu, Peng Peng, Anthony C. Robinson, Dajiang Wang, Josef Strobl, John Wilson, Michael Batty, Mei-Po Kwan, Maryam Lotfian, François Golay, Stéphane Joost, Jens Ingensand, Ahmad M. Senousi, Tao Cheng, Temenoujka Bandrova, Milan Konecny, Paul M. Torrens, Alexander Klippel, Songnian Li, Fengyuan Zhang, Li He, Jinfeng Wang, Carlo Ratti, Olaf Kolditz, Hui Lin, and Guonian Lü)

  • 2023. Making space in geographical analysis. Geographical Analysis, 55(2): 325-341. (Rachel S. Franklin, Elizabeth C. Delmelle, Clio Andris, Tao Cheng, Somayeh Dodge, Janet Franklin, Alison Heppenstall, Mei-Po Kwan, WenWen Li, Sara McLafferty, Jennifer A. Miller, Darla K. Munroe, Trisalyn Nelson, Özge Öner, Denise Pumain, Kathleen Stewart, Daoqin Tong, and Elizabeth A Wentz)

  • 2023. Understanding the spatiotemporal variation of ride-hailing orders under different travel distances. Travel Behaviour & Society, 32: 100581. (Xuefeng Li, Jiacong Xu, Mingyang Du, Dong Liu, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Assessing the spatial distribution of and inequality in 15-minute PCR test site accessibility in Beijing and Guangzhou, China. Applied Geography, 154: 102925. (Jianying Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Dong Liu, and Xia Peng)

  • 2023. Estimation of urban-scale photovoltaic potential: A deep learning-based approach for constructing three-dimensional building models from optical remote sensing imagery. Sustainable Cities and Society, 93: 104515. (Longxu Yan, Rui Zhu, Mei-Po Kwan, Wei Luo, De Wang, Shangwu Zhang, Man Sing Wong, Linlin You, Bisheng Yang, Biyu Chen, and Ling Feng)

  • 2023. Linking artificial light at night with human health via a multi-component framework: A systematic evidence map. Environments, 10(3): 39. (Yang Liu, Changda Yu, Keli Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lap Ah Tse)

  • 2023.GIScience can facilitate the development of solar cities for energy transition. Advances in Applied Energy, 10: 100129. (Rui Zhu, Mei-Po Kwan, A.T.D. Perera, Hongchao Fan, Bisheng Yang, Biyu Chen, Min Chen, Zhen Qian, Haoran Zhang, Xiaohu Zhang, Jinxin Yang, Paolo Santi, Carlo Ratti, Wenting Li, and Jinyue Yan)

  • 2023. Examining energy inequality under the rapid residential energy transition in China through household surveys. Nature Energy, 8: 251-263. (Qiang wang, Jie Fan, Mei-Po Kwan, Kan Zhou, Guofeng Shen, Na Li, Bowei Wu, and Jian Lin)

  • 2023. Does density promote non-motorized travel? The effects of individual space-time activity patterns. Transportation Research D, 116: 103621. (Junwen Lu, Suhong Zhou, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. COVID-19 infection rate but not severity is associated with availability of greenness in the United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 233: 104704. (Jian Lin, Bo Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, Min Chen, and Qiang Wang)

  • 2023. The temporality of geographic contexts: Individual environmental exposure has time-related effects on mood. Health & Place, 79: 102953. (Lin Zhang, Suhong Zhou, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Examining the association between the built environment and active travel using GPS data: A study of a large residential area (Daju) in Shanghai. Health & Place, 79: 102971. (Surong Zhang, Jingwen Li, Lan Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Yanwei Chai, Yirui Du, Kaichen Zhou, Hao Gu, and Wenyao Sun)

  • 2023. Inconsistent association between perceived air quality and self-reported respiratory symptoms: A pilot study and implications for environmental health studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2): 1491. (Yang Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2023. Assessment of doubly disadvantaged neighborhoods by exposure to healthy living environments. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, online. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2023. Order dispatch optimization with considering flexible one-to-three matching strategy under hybrid ride-hailing service modes. Transportation Letters, online. (Xuefeng Li, Mingyang Du, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2023. Estimating the CO2 emissions of Chinese cities from 2011 to 2020 based on SPNN-GNNWR. Environmental Research, 218: 115060. (Lizhi Miao, Sheng Tang, Xinting Li, Dingyu Yu, Yamei Deng, Tian Hang, Haozhou Yang, Yunxuan Liang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lei Huang)

  • 2022. Uncertainties in the assessment of COVID-19 risk: A Study of people's exposure to high-risk environments using individual-level activity data. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(4): 968-987. (Jianwei Huang and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. A systematic review of the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) in community food environmental research. Urban Informatics, 1: 22. (xiang Chen, Xinyue Ye, Michael J. Widener, Eric Delmelle, Mei-Po Kwan, Jerry Shannon, Elizabeth F. Racine, Aaron Adams, Lu Liang, and Peng Jia)

  • 2022. Toward a healthy urban living environment: Assessing 15-minute green-blue space accessibility. Sustainability, 14(24): 16914. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, and Jianying Wang)

  • 2022. Structuralization of complicated lotic habitats using Sentinel-2 imagery and weighted focal statistic convolution. Hydrology, 9: 195. (Yang Liu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. Transit-oriented development in Asian high-density cities for older people: How do multiple public transport options correlate with their physical and mental health? Journal of Transport and Land Use, forthcoming. (Yao Du, Guibo Sun, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. The effect of eye-level street greenness exposure on walking satisfaction: The mediating role of noise and PM2.5. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 77: 127752. (Jiangyu Song, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, Shen Liang, Junwen Lu, Fengrui Jing, and Linshen Wang)

  • 2022. Time allocation and the activity-space-based segregation of different income groups: A case study of Nanjing. Land, forthcoming. (Hui Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Mingxing Hu, Junheng Qi, Jiemin Zheng, and Bin Han)

  • 2022. Estimation of daily ground-level PM2.5 concentrations over the Pearl River Delta using 1 km resolution MODIS AOD based on multi-feature BiLSTM. Atmospheric Environment, 290: 119362. (Lizhi Miao, Sheng Tang, Yanhui Ren, Mei-Po Kwan, and Kai Zhang)

  • 2022. Impact of urban green space on self-rated health: Evidence from Beijing. Frontiers in Public Health, 10:999970. (Dongsheng Zhan, Qianyun Zhang, Mei-Po Kwan, Jian Liu, Bochuan Zhan, and Wenzhong Zhang)

  • 2022. Local indicator of spatial agglomeration between newly opened outlets and existing competitors on a street network. Geographical Analysis, online. (Wataru Morioka, Wataru, Mei-Po Kwan, Atsuyuki Okabe, and Sara L. McLafferty

  • 2022. Integrated analysis of doubly disadvantaged neighborhoods by considering both green space and blue space accessibility and COVID-19 infection risk. PLOS ONE, forthcoming. (Dong Liu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. The impact of housing pressure on subjective well-being in urban China. Habitat International, 127: 102639. (Dongsheng Zhan, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenzhong Zhang, Li Chen, and Yunxiao Dang)

  • 2022. Geographic information science in the era of geospatial big data: A cyberspace perspective. The Innovation, forthcoming. (Xintao Liu, Min Chen, Christophe Claramunt, Michael Batty, Mei-Po Kwan, Ahmad M. Senousi, Tao Cheng, Josef Strobl, Cöltekin Arzu, John Wilson, Temenoujka Bandrova, Milan Konecny, Paul Torrens, Fengyuan Zhang, Li He, Jinfeng Wang, Carlo Ratti, Olaf Kolditz, Alexander Klippel, Songnian Li, Hui Lin, and Guonian Lü)

  • 2022. Do polycentric structures reduce surface urban heat island intensity? Applied Geography, 146: 102766. (Shuaishuai Han, Wan Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Changhong Miao, and Bindong Sun)

  • 2022. Examining the influence of housing conditions and daily greenspace exposure on people's perceived COVID-19 risk and distress. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14):8876. (Jianwei Hunag and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. Healthy cities initiative in China: Progress, challenges, and the way forward. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 27: 100539. (Yuqi Bai, YutongZhang, Olena Zotova, Helen Pineo, José Siri, Lu Liang, Xiangyu Luo, Mei-Po Kwan, John Ji, Xiaopeng Jiang, Cordia Chu, Na Cong, Vivian Lin, William Summerskill, Yong Luo, Hongjun Yu, Tinghai Wu, Changhong Yang, Jing Li, Yixiong Xiao, Jingbo Zhou, Dejing Dou, Hui Xiong, Lee Ligang Zhang, Lan Wang, Shu Tao, Bojie Fu, Yong Zhang, Bing Xu, Jun Yang, and Peng Gong)

  • 2022. Analyzing disparities in transit-based healthcare accessibility in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. The Canadian Geographer, 66(2): 248-262. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2022. The impact of immediate urban environments on people's momentary happiness. Urban Studies, 59(1): 140-160. (Lingling Su, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, Yanwei Chai, and Xue Zhang)

  • 2022. Racial/ethnic inequity in transit-based spatial accessibility to COVID-19 vaccination sites. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, forthcoming. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, Yimeng Song, and Xuefeng Li)

  • 2022. A statistical method for analyzing agglomeration zones of co-location between diverse facilities on a street network. Transactions in GIS, 26(6): 2536-2557. (Wataru Morioka, Mei-Po Kwan, Atsuyuki Okabe, and Sara L. McLafferty)

  • 2022. Detecting spatial flow outliers in the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 96: 101833. (Jiannan Cai and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. An indicator measuring the influence of the online public food environment: An analytical framework and case study. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9:818374. (Na Cong, Ai Zhao, Mei-Po Kwan, Jun Yang, and Peng Gong)

  • 2022. Measuring individuals' mobility-based exposure to neighborhood physical disorder with wearable cameras. Applied Geography, 145: 102728. (Wenyue Li, Ying Long, Mei-Po Kwan, Ningrui Liu, Yan Li, and Yuyang Zhang)

  • 2022. Inter- and intra-racial/ethnic disparities in walking accessibility to grocery stores. Area, forthcoming. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, Yimeng Song, and Xuefeng Li)

    2022. Mediation effects of social isolation on pathways connecting public transport use with subjective wellbeing among older people. Journal of Transport & Health, 25: 101378. (Yao Du, Guibo Sun, Eun Yeong Choe, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. The impacts of housing characteristics and built-environment features on mental health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9): 5143. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Mee Kam Ng, and Hendrik Tieben)

  • 2022. Daily space-time activities, multiple environmental exposures, and anxiety symptoms: A cross-sectional mobile phone-based sensing study. Science of the Total Environment, 834: 155276. (Yuliang Lan, Hannah Roberts, Mei-Po Kwan, and Marco Helbich)

  • 2022. An innovation research framework of crime geography based on spatio-temporal behavior perspective. Geographical Research, 41(6). (Lin Liu, Linlin Wu, Guangwen Song, Suhong Zhou, and Mei-Po Kwan)[In Chinese]

  • 2022. Visualizing and quantifying the spatiotemporal expansion of the Blue Lentic Belt in Alabama and Mississippi. Water Research, 217: 118444. (Yang Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zherong Wu)

  • 2022. Assessing changes in job accessibility and commuting time under bike-sharing scenarios. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, online. (Jianying Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenpu Cao, Yongxi Gong, Liang Guo, and Yu Liu)

  • 2022. An exploratory assessment of the effectiveness of geomasking methods on privacy protection and analytical accuracy for individual-level geospatial data. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, online. (Jue June, Junghwan Kim, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. Field evaluation and calibration of low-cost air pollution sensors for environmental exposure research. Sensors, 22(6): 2381. (Jianwei Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, Jiannan Cai, Wanying Song, Changda Yu, Zihan Kan, and Steve Hung-Lam Yim)

  • 2022. Capturing dynamic navigable space: An interactive semantic model to expand functional space for 3D indoor navigation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, forthcoming. (Wenjie Zhen, Zejun Zuo, Mei-Po Kwan, Lin Yang, Shunping Zhou, and Haoyue Qian)

  • 2022. Crop selection reduces potential heavy metal(loid)s health risk in wastewater contaminated agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment, 819: 152502. (Chun Cao, Ying Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zhen-Bang Ma, Raghupathy Karthikeyan, Jun-Jian Wang, and Huan Chen)

  • 2022. Differences in sleep patterns and mental health problems during different periods of COVID-19 outbreak among community-dwelling older men in Hong Kong. International Journal of Public Health, 67: 1604363. (Gengze Liao, Bixia Huang, Priscilla Ming Yi Lee, Shi Zhao, Chi Kuen Chan, Lai-Bun Tai, Chun Yuk Jason Tsang, Chi Chiu Leung, Mei-Po Kwan, and Shelly Lap-ah Tse)

  • 2022. A review of research on low-carbon school trips and their implications for human-environment relationship. Journal of Transport Geography, 99: 103306. (Peijun Rong, Mei-Po Kwan, Yaochen Qin, and Zhicheng Zheng)

  • 2022. Color-dense illumination adjustment network for removing haze and smoke from fire scenario images. Sensors, 22(3): 911. (Chuansheng Wang, Jinxing Hu, Xiaowei Luo, Mei-Po Kwan, Weihua Chen, and Hao Wang)

  • 2022. Reconciling public health common good and individual privacy: New methods and issues in geoprivacy. International Journal of Health Geographics, 21( 1): 1-9. (Maged N. Kamel Boulos, Mei-Po Kwan, Khaled El Emam, Ada Lai-Ling Chung, Song Gao, and Douglas B. Richardson)

  • 2022. Park and neighbourhood environmental characteristics associated with park-based physical activity among children in a high-density city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 68: 127479. (Ru Zhang, Chun-Qing Zhang, Poh Chin Lai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2022. Crop selection reduces potential heavy metal(loid)s health risk in wastewater contaminated agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment, 819: 152502. (Chun Cao, Ying Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zhen-Bang Ma, Raghupathy Karthikeyan, Jun-Jian Wang, and Huan Chen)

  • 2022. Understanding the spatiotemporal factors of high-efficiency ride-hailing orders. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 1(1): 42. (Mingyang Du, Xuefeng Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Jingzong Yang, and Qiyang Liu)

  • 2022. Association between global air pollution and COVID-19 mortality: A study of forty-six cities in the world. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, forthcoming. (Yuan Meng, Man Sing Wong, Mei-Po Kwan, and Rui Zhu)

  • 2022. An economically feasible optimization of photovoltaic provision using real electricity demand: A case study in New York City. Sustainable Cities and Society, 78: 103614. (Rui Shu, Man Sing Wong, Mei-Po Kwan, Min Chen, Paolo Santi, and Carlo Ratti)

  • 2022. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity analysis of air quality in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, forthcoming. (Lizhi Miao, Chengliang Liu, Xin Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Kai Zhang)

  • 2022. Equalizing the spatial accessibility of emergency medical services in Shanghai: A trade-off perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 92: 101745. (Mengya Li, Fahui Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Jie Chen, and Jun Wang)

  • 2022. Analyzing income-based inequality in transit nodal accessibility. Travel Behaviour and Society, forthcoming. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Jianwei Huang, Zihan Kan, Yimeng Song, and Xuefeng Li)

  • 2022. How Chinese hukou system shapes ethnic dissimilarity in daily activities: a study of Xining, China. Cities, 122: 103520. (Yiming Tan, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2022. Assessing individual activity-related exposures to traffic congestion using GPS trajectory data. Journal of Transport Geography, 98: 103240. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Dong Liu, Luliang Tang, Yang Chen, and Mengyuan Fang)

  • 2022. The effects of different travel modes and travel destinations on COVID-19 transmission in global cities. Science Bulletin, forthcoming. (Rui Zhu, Luc Anselin, Mei-Po Kwan, Michael Batty, Min Chen, Wei Luo, Michael Barton, Tao Cheng, Che Kang Lim, Paolo Santi, Cheng Cheng, Qiushi Gu, Man Sing Wong, Kai Zhang, and Carlo Ratti)

  • 2022. Place qualities, sense of place and subjective well-being: A study of two typical urban neighborhoods in Hong Kong. Cities & Health, forthcoming. (Mee Kam Ng, Tsz Chun Yeung, Mei-Po Kwan, Hendrik Tieben, Tony Yuk Tai Lau, Jiageng Zhu, and Ying Robin Xu)

  • 2021. The superspreading places of COVID-19 and the associated built-environment and socio-demographic features: A study using a spatial network framework and individual-level activity data. Health & Place, 72: 102694. (Jianwei Huang, Mei-po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2021. The stationarity bias in research on the environmental determinants of health. Health & Place, 70: 102609. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Open access]

  • 2021. A stacking ensemble deep learning model for building extraction from remote sensing images. Remote Sensing, 13(19): 3898. (Cao, Duanguang Cao, Hanfa Xing, Man Sing Wong, Mei-Po Kwan, Huaqiao Xing, and Yuan Meng).

  • 2021. Mobility-based environmental justice: Understanding housing disparity in real-time exposure to air pollution and momentary psychological stress in Beijing, China. Social Science and Medicine, 287: 114372. (Yinhua Tao, Yanwei Chai, Xue Zhang, Jie Yang, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. Discovering co-location patterns in multivariate spatial flow data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, forthcoming. (Jiannan Cai and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. An exact statistical method for analyzing co-location on a street network and its computational implementation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, forthcoming. (Wataru Morioka, Atsuyuki Okabe, Mei-Po Kwan, and Sara L. McLafferty)

  • 2021. The effects of the built environment on the general health, physical activity and obesity of adults in Queensland, Australia. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 39: 100456. (Siqin Wang, Yan Liu, Jack Lam, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. Assessing individual environmental exposure derived from the spatiotemporal behavior context and its impacts on mental health. Health & Place, 71: 102655. (Lin Zhang, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, and Minghao Shen)

  • 2021. Analyzing disparities in transit-based healthcare accessibility in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. The Canadian Geographer, online. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2021. Park environment and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in parks among adolescents in a high-density city: The moderating role of neighbourhood income. International Journal of Health Geographics, 20: 35. (Ru Zhang, Chun-Qing Zhang, Poh Chin Lai, Wei Cheng, Benjamin Schüz, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. Living with urban sounds: Understanding the effects of human mobilities on individual sound exposure and psychological health, Geoforum, 126: 13-25. (Lirong Kou, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2021. How culture and sociopolitical tensions might influence people's acceptance of COVID-19 control measures that use individual-level georeferenced data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(7): 490. (Jianwei Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Junghwan Kim) [Open access]

  • 2021. Observed inequality in urban greenspace exposure in China. Environment International, forthcoming. (Yimeng Song, Bin Chen, Hung Chak Ho, Mei-Po Kwan, Dong Liu, Jionghua Wang, Jixuan Cai, Fei Wang, Xijing Li, Yong Xu, Qingqing He, Hongzhi Wang, Qiyan Xu, and Yongze Song)

  • 2021. Assessing the country-level excess all-cause mortality and the impacts of air pollution and human activity during the COVID-19 epidemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18: 6883. (Yuan Meng, Man Sing Wong, Hanfa Xing, Mei-Po Kwan, and Rui Zhu) [Open access]

  • 2021. The activity space-based segregation of migrants in suburban Shanghai. Applied Geography, 133: 102499. (Na Ta, Mei-Po Kwan, Shuting Lin, and Qiuyu Zhu)

  • 2021. Ripley's K-function for network-constrained flow data. Geographical Analysis, forthcoming. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, and Luliang Tang)

  • 2021. Measuring emergency medical service (EMS) accessibility with the effect of city dynamics in a 100-year pluvial flood scenario. Cities, 117: 103314. (Mengya Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Jie Chen, Jun Wang, Jie Yin, and Dapeng Yu)

  • 2021. An integrated individual environmental exposure assessment system for real-time mobile sensing in environmental health studies. Sensors, 21(12): 4039. (Jue Wang, Lirong Kou, Mei-Po Kwan, Rebecca M. Shakespeare, Kangjae Lee, and Yoo Min Park) [Open access]

  • 2021. Nonlinear effects of bus micro-environments on passengers' comfort. Progress in Geography, 40(6): 967-979. [In Chinese] (Lin Zhang, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, and Fei Chen)

  • 2021. Effects of urban functional fragmentation on nitrogen dioxide (NO2) variation with anthropogenic?emission restriction in China. Scientific Reports, 11: 11908. (Yuan Meng, Man Sing Wong, Hanfa Xing, Rui Zhu, Kai Qin, Mei?Po Kwan, Kwon Ho Lee, Coco Yin Tung Kwok, and Hon Li) [Open access]

  • 2021. Yearly and daily relationship assessment between air pollution and COVID-19 incidence: Evidence from 231 countries and regions. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, forthcoming. (Yuan Meng, Man Sing Wong, Hanfa Xing, Mei-Po Kwan, and Rui Zhu) [Open access]

  • 2021. Comparing the space-time patterns of high-risk areas in different waves of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Transactions in GIS, forthcoming. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Jianwei Huang, Man Sing Wong, and Dong Liu)

  • 2021. How neighborhood effect averaging might affect assessment of individual exposures to air pollution: A study of ozone exposures in Los Angeles. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(1): 121-140. (Junghwan Kim and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. The impact of the quality of urban settlements on housing prices in China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, forthcoming. (Dongsheng Zhan, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenzhong Zhang, Chunxin Xie, and Juanfeng Zhang)

  • 2021. Does real-time and perceived environmental exposure to air pollution and noise affect travel satisfaction? Evidence from Beijing, China. Travel Behaviour and Society, 24: 313-324. (Jing Ma, Guanqiu Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2021. Travel time errors caused by geomasking might be different between transportation modes and types of urban area. Transactions in GIS, forthcoming. (Junghwan Kim and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. Assessing job-access inequity for transit-based workers across space and race with the Palma ratio. Urban Research and Practice, forthcoming. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2021. Do individuals' activity structures influence their PM2.5 exposure levels? Evidence from human trajectory data in Wuhan city. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9): 4583. (Siyu Ma, Lin Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zejun Zuo, Haoyue Qian, and Minghao Li) [Open access]

  • 2021. Changes in physical activity and rest-activity circadian rhythm among Hong Kong community aged population before and during COVID-19. BMC Public Health, 21: 836. (Priscilla Ming Yi Lee, Bixia Huang, Gengze Liao, Chi Kuen Chan, Lai-bun Tai, Chun Yuk Jason Tsang, Chi Chiu Leung, Mei-Po Kwan, and Lap Ah Tse) [Open access]

  • 2021. Advances in portable sensing for urban environments: Understanding cities from a mobility perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 88: 101650. (Amit Birenboim, Marco Helbich, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. Association between NO2 concentrations and spatial configuration: A study of the impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns in 54 US cities. Environmental Research Letters, forthcoming. (Man Sing Wong, Rui Zhu, Coco Yin Tung Kwok, Mei-Po Kwan, Paolo Santi, Chun Ho Liu, Kai Qin, Kwon Ho Lee, Joon Heo, Hon Li, and Carlo Ratti) [Open access]

  • 2021. "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people's mobility: A longitudinal study of the U.S. from March to September of 2020. Journal of Transport Geography, 93: 103039. (Junghwan Kim and Mei-Po Kwan) [See news release about this article: "COVID-19 mobility restrictions effective for short duration"]

  • 2021. Interpretation of contextual influences with explanatory tools: Travel mode likelihood mapping using GPS trajectories. Transactions in GIS, forthcoming. (Kangjae Lee and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. The impact of immediate urban environments on people's momentary happiness. Urban Studies, forthcoming. (Lingling Su, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, Yanwei Chai, and Xue Zhang)

  • 2021. An OGC web service geospatial data semantic similarity model for improving geospatial service discovery. Open Geosciences, 13: 245-261. (Lizhi Miao, Chengliang Liu, Li Fan, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. COVID-19 infection and mortality: Association with PM2.5 concentration and population size - an exploratory study. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10: 123. (Xinyu Yu, Man Sing Wong, Mei Po Kwan, Janet Elizabeth Nichol, Rui Zhu, Joon Heo, Pak Wai Chan, David C. W. Chin, Coco Yin Tung Kwok, and Zihan Kan) [Open access]

  • 2021. Urban green space accessibility and distribution inequity in the City of Chicago. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 59: 127029. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2021. An integrated analysis of housing and transit affordability in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. The Geographical Journal, 187(2): 110-126. (Dong Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, and Yimeng Song) [Open access]

  • 2021. Identifying the space-time patterns of COVID-19 risk and their associations with different built environment features in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 772(10): 145379. (Zihan Kan, Mei-Po Kwan, Man Sing Wong, Jianwei Huang, and Dong Liu)

  • 2021. Assessment of sociodemographic disparities in environmental exposure might be erroneous due to neighborhood effect averaging: Implications for environmental inequality research. Environmental Research, 195: 110519. (Junghwan Kim and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. The effects of activity-related contexts on individual sound exposures: A time-geographic approach to soundscape studies. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, forthcoming. (Lirong Kou, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2021. Time to address the spatiotemporal uncertainties in COVID-19 research: Concerns and challenges. Science of the Total Environment, 764: 142866. (Marco Helbich, Matthew H.E. Mute Browning, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2021. An examination of people's privacy concerns, perceptions of social benefits, and acceptance of COVID-19 mitigation measures that harness location information: A comparative study of the U.S. and South Korea. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(1): 25. (Junghwan Kim and Mei-Po Kwan) [See news release about this article: "Culture shapes willingness to share personal data to reduce COVID-19 spread"]

  • 2021. How do people perceive the disclosure risk of maps? Examining the perceived disclosure risk of maps and its implications for geoprivacy protection. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 48(1): 2-20. (Junghwan Kim, Mei-Po Kwan, Margaret C. Levenstein, and Douglas B. Richardson)

  • 2021. Racial disparities in energy poverty in the United States. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137: 110620. (Qiang Wang, Jian Lin, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jie Fan)

  • 2021. Spatial analysis of the impact of urban geometry and socio-demographic characteristics on COVID-19: A study in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 764: 144455. (Coco Yin Tung Kwok, Man Sing Wong, Ka Long Chan, Mei-Po Kwan, Janet E Nichol, Chun Ho Liu, Janet Yuen Ha Wong, Abraham Ka Chung Wai, Lawrence Wing Chi Chan, Yang Xu, Hon Li, Jianwei Huang, and Zihan Kan)

  • 2020. Geographic Ecological Momentary Assessment (GEMA) of environmental noise annoyance: The influence of activity context and the daily acoustic environment. International Journal of Health Geographics, 19: 50. (Xue Zhang, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, Lingling Su, and Junwen Lu) [Open access]

  • 2020. Associations of co-exposures to air pollution and noise with psychological stress in space and time: A case study in Beijing, China. Environmental Research, forthcoming. (Yinhua Tao, Lirong Kou, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Examining the effects of mobility-based air and noise pollution on activity satisfaction. Transportation Research D, 89: 102633. (Jing Ma, Jingwen Rao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2020. Investigating the relationship between the built environment and relative risk of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(11): 624. (Jianwei Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zihan Kan, Man Sing Wong, Coco Yin Tung Kwok, and Xinyu Yu)

  • 2020. Do spatial boundaries matter for exploring the impact of community green spaces on health? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17: 7529. (Shin Jong Cheol, Mei-Po Kwan, and Diana S. Grigsby-Toussaint).

  • 2020. Space-time demand cube for spatiotemporal coverage optimization of shared bicycle systems: A study using big bicycle GPS data. Journal of Transport Geography, 88: 102861. (Lin Yang, Fayong Zhang, Mei-Po Kwan, Ke Wang, Zejun Zuo, Shaotian Xia, Zhiyong Zhang, and Xinpei Zhao)

  • 2020. GIS-based emotional computing: A review of quantitative approaches to measure the emotion layer of human-environment relationships. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(9): 551. (Yingjing Huang, Teng Fei, Mei-Po Kwan, Yuhao Kang, Jun Li, Yizhuo Li, Xiang Li, and Meng Bian)

  • 2020. Transportation noise exposure and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Research, 191: 110118. (Yuliang Lan, Hannah Roberts, Mei-Po Kwan, and Marco Helbich)

  • 2020. Sources of selection and information biases when using commercial database-derived residential histories for cancer research. Annals of Epidemiology, forthcoming. (Vincent L. Freeman, Emma E. Boylan, Nebiyou Y. Tilahun, Sanjib Basu, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Understanding noise exposure, noise annoyance, and psychological stress: Incorporating individual mobility and the temporality of the exposure-effect relationship. Applied Geography, 125: 102283. (Yinhua Tao, Yanwei Chai, Lirong Kou, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Generating comfortable navigable space for 3D indoor navigation considering users' dimensions. Sensors, 20(17): 4964. (Wenjie Zhen, Lin Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zejun Zuo, Haoyue Qian, and Shunping Zhou)

  • 2020. Evaluating spatial accessibility to healthcare services under travel time uncertainty: A reliability-based floating catchment area approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 87: 102794. (Bi Yu Chen, Xue-Ping Cheng, Mei-Po Kwan, and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2020. The threshold effects of bus micro-environmental exposures on passengers' momentary mood. Transportation Research D: Transport and Environment, 84: 102379. (Lin Zhang, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, Fei Chen, and Yingyi Dai)

  • 2020. A graph convolutional network model for evaluating potential congestion spots based on local urban built environments. Transactions in GIS, forthcoming. (Kun Qin, Yuanquan Xu, Chaogui Kang, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Evaluation of the spatial equity of medical facilities based on improved potential model and map service API: A case study in Zhengzhou, China. Applied Geography, 119: 102192. (Peijun Rong, Zhicheng Zheng, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yaochen Qin)

  • 2020. Does urbanization lead to less residential energy consumption? A comparative study of 136 countries. Energy, 202: 117765. (Qiang Wang, Jian Lin, Kan Zhou, Jie Fan, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Assessing personal noise exposure and its relationship with mental health in Beijing based on individuals' space-time behavior. Environment International, 139: 105737. (Jing Ma, Chunjiang Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Lirong Kou, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2020. Examining ethnic exposure through the perspective of the neighborhood effect averaging problem: A case study of Xining, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2872. (Yiming Tan, Mei-Po Kwan, and Zifeng Chen)

  • 2020. Mining sequential activity-travel patterns for individual-level human activity prediction with Bayesian networks. Transactions in GIS, forthcoming. (Li Xu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Measuring job accessibility through integrating travel time, transit fare and income: A study of the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111(4): 671-685. (Dong Liu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Daily activity locations k-anonymity for the evaluation of disclosure risk of individual GPS datasets. International Journal of Health Geographics, 9(7). (Jue Wang and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Who could not avoid exposure to high levels of residence?based pollution by daily mobility? Evidence of air pollution exposure from the perspective of the neighborhood effect averaging problem (NEAP). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4): 1223. (Xinlin Ma, Xijing Li, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2020. Influence of meteorological conditions on PM2.5 concentrations across China: A review of methodology and mechanism. Environment International, 139: 105558. (Ziyue Chen, Danlu Chen, Chuanfeng Zhao, Mei-Po Kwan, Jun Cai, Yan Zhuang, Bo Zhao, Xiaoyan Wang, Bin Chen, Jing Yang, Ruiyuan Li, Bin He, Bingbo Gao, Kaicun Wang, and Bing Xu)

  • 2020. Understanding racial disparities in exposure to traffic-related air pollution: Considering the spatiotemporal dynamics of population distribution. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3): 908. (Yoo Min Park and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Measuring spatial mismatch and job access inequity based on transit-based job accessibility for poor job seekers. Travel Behaviour and Society, 19: 184-193. (Dong Liu and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Assessing mobility-based real-time air pollution exposure in space and time using smart sensors and GPS trajectories in Beijing. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(2): 434-448. (Jing Ma, Yinhua Tao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2020. Understanding the relationships among individual-based momentary measured noise, perceived noise, and psychological stress: A Geographic Ecological Momentary Assessment (GEMA) approach. Health & Place, 64: 102285. (Lirong Kou, Yinhua Tao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2020. Space-time dynamics of cab drivers' stay behaviors and their relationships with built environment characteristics. Cities, 101: 102689. (Pengxiang Zhao, Yang Xu, Xintao Liu, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Capturing what human eyes perceive: A visual hierarchy generation approach to emulating saliency-based visual attention for grid-like urban street networks. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80: 101454. (Wenjie Zhen, Lin Yang, Mei-Po, Zejun Zuo, Bo Wan, Shunping Zhou, Shengwen Li, Yaqin Ye, Haoyue Qian, and Xiaofang Pan)

  • 2020. Does low income translate into lower mobility? An investigation of activity space in Hong Kong between 2002 and 2011. Journal of Transport Geography, 82: 102583. (Sui Tao, Sylvia Y. He, Mei-Po Kwan, and Shuli Luo)

  • 2020. The impacts of road network density on motor vehicle travels: An empirical study of Chinese cities based on network theory. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 132: 144-156. (Shiguang wang, Dexin Yu, Mei-Po Kwan, Huxing Zhou, Yongxing Li, and Hongzhi Miao)

  • 2020. Social exclusion and accessibility among low- and non-low-income groups: A case study of Nanjing, China. Cities, 101: 102684. (Hui Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Mingxing Hu)

  • 2020. Usage of urban space and sociospatial differentiation of income groups: A case study of Nanjing, China. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111(4): 616-633. (Hui Wang, Mei?Po Kwan, and Mingxing Hu)

  • 2020. Spatial lifecourse epidemiology reporting standards (ISLE-ReSt) statement. Health & Place, 61: 102243. (Jia, Peng, Chao Yu, Justin V. Remais, Alfred Stein, Yu Liu, Ross C. Brownson, Jeroen Lakerveld, Tong Wu, Lijian Yang, Melody Smith, Sherif Amer, Jamie Pearce, Yan Kestens, Mei-Po Kwan, Shengjie Lai, Fei Xu, Xi Chen, Andrew Rundle, Qian Xiao, Hong Xue, Miyang Luo, Li Zhao, Guo Cheng, Shujuan Yang, Xiaolu Zhou, Yan Li, Jenna Panter, Simon Kingham, Andy Jones, Blair Johnson, Xun Shi, Lin Zhang, Limin Wang, Jianguo Wu, Suzanne Mavoa, Tuuli Toivonen, Kevin Mwenda, Youfa Wang, Monique Verschuren, Roel Vermeulen, and Peter James)

  • 2020. How does urban expansion impact people's exposure to green environments? A comparative study of 290 Chinese cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 246: 119018. (Yimeng Song, Bin Chen, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Unveiling cabdrivers' dining behavior patterns for site selection of 'taxi canteen' using taxi trajectory data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(1): 137-160. (Pengxiang Zhao, Xintao Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Wenzhong Shi)

  • 2020. Spatiotemporal big data analytics for transportation applications. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(1): 1-4. (Bi Yu Chen and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. Travel-related exposure to air pollution and its socio-environmental inequalities: Evidence from a week-long GPS-based travel diary dataset. In Spatiotemporal Analysis of Air Pollution and Its Application in Public Health. Lixin Li, Xiaolu Zhou, and Weitian Tong (Eds). Elsevier. (Wenbo Guo, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2020. ICTs and changes in activity-travel behavior in urban China: Existing research and future directions. In Handbook on Transport and Urban Transportation in China. Chia-Lin Chen, Haixiao Pan, Qing Shen, and James Jixian Wang (Eds). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. (Yue Shen, Na Ta, Mei-Po Kwan, and Feng Zhen)

  • 2019. Uncertainties in the geographic context of health behaviors: A study of substance users' exposure to psychosocial stress using GPS data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(6): 1176-1195. (Mei-Po Kwan, Jue Wang, Matthew Tyburski, David H. Epstein, William J. Kowalczyk, and Kenzie L. Preston)

  • 2019. Beyond commuting: Ignoring individuals' activity-travel patterns may lead to inaccurate assessments of their exposure to traffic congestion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(1), 89. (Junghwan Kim and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2019. The effects of GPS-based buffer size on the association between travel modes and environmental contexts. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8: 514. (Kangjae Lee and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2019. Interactions between bus, metro and taxi use before and after the Chinese Spring Festival. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(10): 445. (Jianwei Huang, Xintao Liu, Pengxiang Zhao, Junwei Zhang, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2019. The evolution and growth patterns of the road network in a medium-sized developing city: A historical investigation of Changchun, China, from 1912 to 2017. Sustainability, 11(19): 5307. (Shiguang Wang, Dexin Yu, Mei-Po Kwan, Huxing Zhou, Yongxing Li, and Hongzhi Miao)

  • 2019. A comparative analysis of the impacts of the objective versus the subjective neighborhood environment on physical, mental, and social health. Health and Place, 59: 102170. (Lin Zhang, Suhong Zhou, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2019. The impact of the built environment and noise pollution on residents' mental health: A study of Beijing. Progress in Geography, 38(7): 1103- 1110. [In Chinese] (Chunjiang Li, Jing Ma, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2019. Women in sex work and the risk environment: Agency, risk perception, and management in the sex work environments of two Mexico-US border cities. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 16(3): 317-328. (Eli Andrade, Eli, René Leyva, Mei-Po Kwan, Carlos Magis, Hugo Stainez-Orozco, and Kimberly Brouwer)

  • 2019. The ecology of physical activity in family childcare environments: A GIS-supported qualitative study. Children, Youth and Environments, 29(1): 57-83. (Roger Figueroa, Robin Jarrett, Mei-Po Kwan, Brent McBride, and Angela R. Wiley)

  • 2019. Spatial spillovers and value chain spillovers: Evaluating regional R&D efficiency and its spillover Effects in China. Scientometrics, 119(2): 721-747. (Qin, Xionghe Qin, Debin Du, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2019. A study on the spatial distribution of the renewable energy industries in China and their driving factors. Renewable Energy, 139: 161-175. (Qiang Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Jie Fan, Kan Zhou, and Yafei Wang)

  • 2019. The impacts of urbanization on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations: Empirical evidence from 135 countries worldwide. Environmental Pollution, 247: 989-998. (Qiang Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Kan Zhou, Jie Fan, Yafei Wang, and Dongsheng Zhan)

  • 2019. Impacts of residential energy consumption on the health burden of household air pollution: Evidence from 135 countries. Energy Policy, 128: 284-295. (Qiang Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, Kan Zhou, Jie Fan, Yafei Wang, and Dongsheng Zhan)

  • 2019. Uncertainty and context in GIScience and geography: Challenges in the era of geospatial big data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(6): 1131-1134. (Yongwan Chun, Mei-Po Kwan, and Daniel A. Griffith)

  • 2019. Traffic congestion analysis at the turn level using taxis' GPS trajectory data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 74: 229-243. (Zihan Kan, Luliang Tang, Mei-Po Kwan, Chang Ren, Dong Liu, and Qingquan Li)

  • 2019. Reside nearby, behave apart? Activity-space-based segregation among residents of various types of housing in Beijing, China. Cities, 88: 166-180. (Xue Zhang, Jue Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2018. The limits of the neighborhood effect: Contextual uncertainties in geographic, environmental health, and social science research. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(6): 1482-1490. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Context and uncertainty in geography and GIScience: Advances in theory, methods, and practice. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(6): 1473-1475. (Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2018. The neighborhood effect averaging problem (NEAP): An elusive confounder of the neighborhood effect. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15: 1841. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Impacts of individual daily greenspace exposure on health based on individual activity space and structural equation modeling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10): 2323. (Lin Zhang, Suhong Zhou, Mei-Po Kwan, Fei Chen, and Rongping Lin)

  • 2018. The driving factors of air quality index in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 197(Part 1): 1342-1351. (Dongsheng Zhan, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenzhong Zhang, Xiaofen Yu, Bin Meng, and Qianqian Liu)

  • 2018. Evaluating the accessibility of healthcare facilities using an integrated catchment area approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9): 2051. (Xiaofang Pan, Mei-Po Kwan, Lin Yang, Shunping Zhou, Zejun Zuo, and Bo Wan)

  • 2018. An analytical framework for integrating the spatiotemporal dynamics of environmental context and individual mobility in exposure assessment: A study on the relationship between food environment exposures and body weight. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9): 2022. (Jue Wang and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Using points-of-interest data to estimate commuting patterns in central Shanghai, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 72: 201-210. (Mengya Li, Mei-Po Kwan, Fahui Wang, and Jun Wang)

  • 2018. Automatic physical activity and in-vehicle status classification based on GPS and accelerometer data: A hierarchical classification approach using machine learning techniques. Transactions in GIS, 22(6): 1522-1549. (Kangjae Lee and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Seasonal mobility and well-being of older people: The case of 'Snowbirds' to Sanya, China. Health & Place, forthcoming. (Lirong Kou, Honggang Xu, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Multi-level temporal autoregressive modelling of daily activity satisfaction using GPS-integrated activity diary data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(11): 2189-2208. (Guanpeng Dong, Jing Ma, Mei-Po Kwan, Yiming Wang, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2018. Fine-grained analysis on fuel-consumption and emission from vehicles trace. Journal of Cleaner Production, 203: 340-352. (Zihan Kan, Luliang Tang, Mei-Po Kwan, Chang Ren, Dong Liu, Tao Pei, Yu Liu, Min Deng, and Qingquan Li)

  • 2018. A multilevel analysis of perceived noise pollution, geographic contexts and mental health in Beijing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7): 1479. doi:10.3390/ijerph15071479 (Jing Ma, Chunjiang Li, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2018. Unveiling cabdrivers' dining behavior patterns for site selection of 'taxi canteen' using taxi trajectory data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, forthcoming. (Pengxiang Zhao, Xintao Liu, Mei-Po Kwan, and Wenzhong Shi)

  • 2018. The Tsinghua-Lancet Commission on healthy cities in China: Unlocking the power of cities for a healthy China. The Lancet, 391(10135): 2140-2184. (Yang, Jun, Jose G. Siri, Justin V Remais, Qu Cheng, Han Zhang, Karen K. Y. Chan, Zhe Sun, Yuanyuan Zhao, Na Cong, Xueyan Li, Wei Zhang, Yuqi Bai, Jun Bi, Wenjia Cai, Emily Y. Y. Chan, Wanqing Chen, Weicheng Fan, Hua Fu, Jianqing He, Hong Huang, John S. Ji, Peng Jia, Xiaopeng Jiang), Mei-Po Kwan, Xiguang Li, Song Liang, Xiaofeng Liang, Lu Liang, Qiyong Liu, Yongmei Lu, Yong Luo, Xiulian Ma, Bernhard Schwartlander, Zhiyong Shen, Peijun Shi, Jing Su, Tinghai Wu, Changhong Yang, Yongyuan Yin Qiang Zhang, Yinping Zhang, Yong Zhang, Bing Xu, and Peng Gong)

  • 2018. Hexagon-based adaptive crystal-growth Voronoi diagrams based on weighted planes for service area delimitation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(7): 257. doi:10.3390/ijgi7070257 (Jue Wang and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Beyond residential segregation: A spatiotemporal approach to examining multi-contextual segregation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 71: 98-108. (Yoo Min Park and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. A spatiotemporal regression-kriging model for space-time interpolation: A case study of chlorophyll-a prediction in the coastal areas of Zhejiang, China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(10): 1927-1947. (Zhenhong Du, Sensen Wu, Mei-Po Kwan, Chuanrong Zhang, Feng Zhang, and Renyi Liu)

  • 2018. An innovative context-based crystal-growth activity space method for environmental exposure assessment: A study using GIS and GPS trajectory data collected in Chicago. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4): 703. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040703 (Jue wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2018. Environmental influences on leisure-time physical inactivity in the U.S.: An exploration of spatial non-stationarity. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7:143. doi: 10.3390/ijgi7040143 (Jue Wang, Kangjae Lee, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. How do people in different places experience different levels of air pollution? Using worldwide Chinese as a lens. Environmental Pollution, 238: 874-883. (Bin Chen, Yimeng Song, Mei-Po Kwan, Bo Huang, and Bing Xu)

  • 2018. The development of digital urban design in American Universities. Urban Planning International, 33(1): 28-33. [In Chinese] (Yi Shi and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Effect of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188: 38-48. (Jianbao Li, Xianjin Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Xiaowei Chuai)

  • 2018. Estimating and visualizing vehicle fuel consumption and emissions using GPS big data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4): 566. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040566 (Zihan Kan, Luliang Tang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Xia Zhang)

  • 2018. The uncertain geographic context problem in the analysis of the relationships between obesity and the built environment in Guangzhou. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2): 308. doi:10.3390/ijerph15020308. (Pengxiang Zhao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Suhong Zhou)

  • 2018. Assessment and determinants of satisfaction with urban livability in China, Cities, 79: 92-101. (Dongsheng Zhan, Jianhui Yu, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenzhong Zhang, Yunxiao Dang, and Jie Fan)

  • 2018. Natural environments and suicide mortality in the Netherlands. Lancet Planetary Health, 2: 134-139. (Marco Helbich, Derek de Beurs, Mei-Po Kwan, Rory C O'Connor, and Peter P. Groenewegen)

  • 2018. Physical activity classification in free-living conditions using smartphone accelerometer data and exploration of predicted results. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 67: 124-131. (Kangjae Lee and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Advancing analytical methods for urban metabolism studies. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 132: 239-245. (Huan Li and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2018. Exploring urban metabolism - Towards an interdisciplinary perspective. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 132: 190-203. (Martin Dijst, Ernst Worrell, Lars Böcker, Paul Brunner, Simin Davoudi, Stan Geertman, Robert Harmsen, Marco Helbich, Albert A.M. Holtslag, Mei-Po Kwan, Barbara Lenz, Glenn Lyons, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Peter Newman, Adriaan Perrels, Ana Poças Ribeiro, Jesus Rosales Carreon, Giles Thomson, Diana Urge-Vorsatz, and Marianne Zeyringer)

  • 2018. ICTs and changes in activity-travel behavior in urban China: Existing research and future directions. Handbook on Transport and Urban Transportation in China. Chia-Lin Chen, Haixiao Pan, Qing Shen, and James Jixian Wang (Eds). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. (Yue Shen, Na Ta, Mei-Po Kwan, and Feng Zhen)

  • 2017. Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of air pollution in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14: 1538. doi:10.3390/ijerph14121538 (Dongsheng Zhan, Mei-Po Kwan, Wenzhong Zhang, Shaojian Wang, and Jianhui Yu)

  • 2017. Predicting demand for 311 non-emergency municipal services: An adaptive space-time kernel approach. Applied Geography, 89:133-141. (Li Xu, Mei-Po Kwan, Sara McLafferty, and Shaowen Wang)

  • 2017. Urban-rural inequalities in suicide mortality: A comparison of urbanicity indicators. International Journal of Health Geographics, 16:39. (Marco Helbich, Victor Blüml, Tom de Jong, Paul L Plener, Mei-Po Kwan, and Nestor D Kapusta)

  • 2017. Multi-contextual segregation and environmental justice research: Toward fine-scale spatiotemporal approaches. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14: 1205. doi:10.3390/ijerph14101205 (Yoo Min Park and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2017. Individual exposure estimates may be erroneous when spatiotemporal variability of air pollution and human mobility are ignored. Health & Place, 43: 85-94. (Yoo Min Park and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2017. The effect of urbanization and farmland transfer on the spatial patterns of non-grain farmland in China. Sustainability, 9(8): 1438. doi:10.3390/su9081438 (Xiaofeng Zhao, Yuqian Zheng, Xianjin Huang, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yuntai Zhao).

  • 2017. Uncovering the spatiotemporal patterns of CO2 emissions by taxis based on individuals' daily travel. Journal of Transport Geography, 62: 122-135. (Pengxiang Zhao, Mei-Po Kwan, and Kun Qin)

  • 2017. Geoscience and the technological revolution. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 5(3): 72-75. (Yuqi Bai, Clifford A. Jacobs, Mei-Po Kwan, and Christoph Waldmann)

  • 2017. A comparison between spatial econometric models and random forest for modeling fire occurrence. Sustainability, 9(5): 819. doi:10.3390/su9050819 (Chao Song, Mei-Po Kwan, Weiguo Song, and Jiping Zhu)

  • 2017. Examining the impacts of ethnicity on space-time behavior: Evidence from the City of Xining, China. Cities, 64: 26-36. (Yiming Tan, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yawei Chai)

  • 2017. Scalable space-time trajectory cube for path-finding: A study using big taxi trajectory data. Transportation Research B, 101: 1-27. (Lin Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Xiaofang Pan, Bo Wan, and Shunping Zhou)

  • 2017. Driving forces and the spatial patterns of industrial sulphur dioxide discharge in China. Science of the Total Environment, 577: 279-288. (Xiaofeng Zhao, Chunlei Deng, Xianjin Huang, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2017. Modeling fire occurrence at the city scale: A comparison between geographically weighted regression and global linear regression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(4): 396. doi:10.3390/ijerph14040396 (Chao Song, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jiping Zhu)

  • 2017. Location-based service using ontology-based semantic queries: A study with a focus on indoor activities in a university context. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 62: 41-52. (Kangjae Lee, Jiyeong Lee and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2017. Selected studies on urban development issues in China: Introduction. Urban Geography, 38(3): 360-362. (Donggen Wang and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2016. Algorithmic geographies: Big data, algorithmic uncertainty, and the production of geographic knowledge. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(2): 274-282. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2016. Geographies of mobilities. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(2): 243-256. (Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2016. Spatial mismatch in post-reform urban China: A case study of a relocated state-owned enterprise in Guangzhou. Habitat International, 58: 1-11. (Suhong Zhou, Yang Lin and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2016. Quantitative, qualitative and geospatial methods to characterize HIV risk environments. PLoS ONE, 11(5): e0155693. (Erin E. Conners, Brooke S. West, Alexis M. Roth, Kristen G. Meckel-Parker, Mei-Po Kwan, Carlos Magis-Rodriguez, Hugo Staines-Orozco, John D. Clapp, and Kimberly C. Brouwer)

  • 2016. Surface water areas significantly impacted 2014 dengue outbreaks in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Research, 150: 299-305. (Huaiyu Tian, Shanqian Huang, Sen Zhou, Peng Bi, Zhicong Yang, Xiujun Li, Lifan Chen, Bernard Cazelles, Jing Yang, Lei Luo, Qinlong Jing, Wenping Yuan, Yao Pei, Zhe Sun, Tianxiang Yue, Mei-Po Kwan, Qiyong Liu, Ming Wang, Shilu Tong, John S. Brownstein, and Bing Xu)

  • 2016. The role of immigrant concentration within and beyond residential neighborhoods in adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(1): 17-34. (Aubrey L. Jackson, Christopher R. Browning, Lauren J. Krivo, Mei-Po Kwan, and Heather M. Washington)

  • 2016. Natural and built environmental exposures on children's active school travel: A Dutch GPS-based cross-sectional study. Health & Place, 39: 101-109. (Marco Helbich, Maarten J. Zeylmans van Emmichoven, Martin Dijst, Mei-Po Kwan, Frank H Pierik, and Sanne I. de Vries)

  • 2016. Gendered space-time constraints, activity participation and household structure: A case study using a GPS-based activity survey in suburban Beijing, China. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 107(5): 505-521. (Na Ta, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2016. Land use policy and spatiotemporal changes in the water area of an arid region. Land Use Policy, 54: 366-377. (Fei Xu, Helen X.H. Bao, Huan Li, Mei-Po Kwan, and Xianjin Huang)

  • 2016. Urban form, car ownership and activity space in inner suburbs: A comparison between Beijing (China) and Chicago (the United States). Urban Studies, 53(9): 1784-1802. (Tana, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2015. Gender differences in commute time and accessibility in Sofia, Bulgaria: A study using 3D geovisualization. The Geographical Journal, 181(1): 83-96. (Mei-Po Kwan and Alexander Kotsev)

  • 2015. Contextual uncertainties, human mobility, and perceived food environment: The uncertain geographic context problem in food access research. American Journal of Public Health, 105(9): 1734-1737. (Xiang Chen and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. Critical visualization in landscape and urban planning: Making the invisible visible. Landscape and Urban Planning, 142: 243-244. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. Patterns of local segregation: Do they matter for neighborhood crime? Social Science Research, 54: 303-318. (Lauren Krivo, Reginald A. Byron, Catherine A. Calder, Ruth D. Peterson, Christopher R. Browning, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jae Yong Lee)

  • 2015. Space-time fixity and flexibility of daily activities and the built environment: A case study of different types of communities in Beijing suburbs. Journal of Transport Geography, 47: 90-99. (Yue Shen, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. Suburbanization, daily lifestyle and space-behavior interaction: A study of suburban residents in Beijing, China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 70(8): 1271-1280. (Tana, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. Replication of scientific research: Addressing geoprivacy, confidentiality, and data sharing challenges in geospatial research. Annals of GIS, 21(2): 101-110. (Douglas Richardson, Mei-Po Kwan, George Alter, and Jean E. McKendry)

  • 2015. Ageing in place and ageing with migration in the transitional context of urban China: A case study of ageing communities in Guanzhou. Habitat International, 49: 177-186. (Suhong Zhou, Miao Xie, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. The relationship between the built environment and car travel distance on weekdays in Beijing. Acta Geographica Sinica, 70(10): 1675-1685. (Tana, Yanwei Chai, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. Risk perceptions of smokeless tobacco among adolescent and adult users and nonusers. Journal of Health Communication, 20(5): 599-606. (Sherry T. Liu, Julianna M. Nemeth, Elizabeth G. Klein , Amy K. Ferketich, Mei-Po Kwan, and Mary Ellen Wewers)

  • 2015. Geospatial health research and GIS. Annals of GIS, 21(2): 93-95. (Xun Shi and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2015. Social and spatial differentiation of high and low income groups' out-of-home activities in Guangzhou, China." Cities, 45: 81-90. (Suhong Zhou, Lifang Deng, Mei-Po Kwan, and Ruogu Yan)

  • 2015. Changes in farmers' welfare from land requisition in the process of rapid urbanization. Land Use Policy, 42: 635-641. (Huan Li, Xianjin Hung, Mei-Po Kwan, Helen X. H. Bao, and Steven Jefferson)

  • 2015. Assessing dynamic exposure to air pollution. In Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience: Research Frontiers in the US and China. Mei-Po Kwan, Douglas Richardson, Donggen Wang and Chenghu Zhou (eds). Dordrecht: Springer. (Mei-Po Kwan, Desheng Liu, and Jaclyn Vogliano)

  • 2014. Assessing activity pattern similarity with multidimensional sequence alignment based on a multiobjective optimization evolutionary algorithm. Geographical Analysis, 46(3): 297-320. (Mei-Po Kwan, Ningchuan Xiao, and Guoxiang Ding)

  • 2014. Reflections on the similarities and differences between Chinese and U.S. cities. Asian Geographer, 31(2): 167-174. (Mei-Po Kwan, Yanwei Chai, and Tana)

  • 2014. Space-time research in GIScience. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(5): 851-854. (Mei-Po Kwan and Tijs Neutens)

  • 2014. International perspectives on research directions in geography and urban sustainability. Asian Geographer, 31(2): 149-151. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2014. Space-time measures of demand for service: Bridging location modeling and accessibility studies through a time-geographic framework. Geografiska Annaler B, 96(4): 329-344. (Fang Ren, Daoqin Tong, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2014. The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot: Implementations of GPS and other tracking technologies for geographic research. Geoforum, 51(1): 1-5. (Noam Shoval, Mei-Po Kwan, Kristian H. Reinau, and Henrik Harder)

  • 2014. Delimiting service area using adaptive crystal-growth Voronoi diagrams based on weighted planes: A case study in Haizhu District of Guangzhou in China. Applied Geography, 50: 108-119. (Jue Wang, Mei-Po Kwan, and LinBing Ma)

  • 2014. The Internet and the gender division of household labour. The Geographical Journal, 180(1): 52-64. (Tim Schwanen, Mei-Po Kwan, and Fang Ren)

  • 2014. Adolescent and adult perceptions of traditional and novel smokeless tobacco products and packaging in rural Ohio. Tobacco Control, 23(3): 209-214. (Sherry T. Liu, Julianan M. Nemeth, Elizabeth G. Klein, Amy K. Ferketich, Mei-Po Kwan, and Mary Ellen Wewers)

  • 2014. Mobility and travel activity patterns. In The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition. James Wright (ed). Oxford: Elsevier. (Joe Weber and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2014. GIS and health geography. In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall, and Stella R. Quah (Eds). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2013. Beyond space (as we knew it): Toward temporally integrated geographies of segregation, health, and accessibility. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(5): 1078-1086. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2013. Investigating commuting flexibility with GPS data and 3D geovisualizations: A case study of Beijing, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 32(1): 1-11. (Yue Shen, Mei-Po Kwan, and Yanwei Chai)

  • 2013. Spatial turn in health research. Science, 339: 1390-1392. (Douglas B. Richardson, Nora D. Volkow, Mei-Po Kwan, Robert M. Kaplan, Michael F. Goodchild, and Robert T. Croyle)

  • 2013. Exploring the unequal landscapes of healthcare accessibility in lower-income urban neighborhoods through qualitative inquiry. Geoforum, 50: 97-106. (Tim Hawthorne and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2013. Adolescent health-risk behavior and community disorder. PLoS ONE, 8(11): e77667. (Sarah E. Wiehe, Mei-Po Kwan, Jeff Wilson, and J. Dennis Fortenberry) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077667

  • 2013. Investigating the temporal dynamics of Internet activities. Time & Society, 22(2): 186-215. (Fang Ren, Mei-Po Kwan, and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2013. Social isolation of disadvantage and advantage: The reproduction of inequality in urban space. Social Forces, 92(1): 141-164. (Lauren J Krivo, Heather M. Washington, Ruth Peterson, Christopher R. Browning, Catherine Calder, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2013. Geographical Analysis: Its first forty years. Geographical Analysis, 45(4): 1-27. (Daniel A. Griffith, Yongwan Chun, Morton E. O’Kelly, Brian J. L. Berry, Robert P. Haining, and Mei-Po Kwan).

  • 2013. Exposure to weather and implications for travel behaviour: Introducing empirical evidence from Europe and Canada. Journal of Transport Geography, 28: 164-166. (Martin Dijst, Lars Böcker, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2013 Geographies of health, disease, and well-being. In Geographies of Health, Disease, and Well-being, Mei-Po Kwan (Ed). Taylor and Francis.

  • 2012. The uncertain geographic context problem. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5): 958-968. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2012. Geographies of health. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5): 891-892. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2012. How GIS can help address the uncertain geographic context problem in social science research. Annals of GIS, 18(45): 245-255. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2012. Critical space-time geographies. Environment and Planning A, 44(9): 2043-2048. (Tim Schwanen and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2012. Choice set formation with multiple flexible activities under space-time constraints. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(5): 941-961. (Xiang Chen and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2012. Factors influencing smokeless tobacco use in rural Ohio Appalachia. Journal of Community Health, 37(6): 1208-1217. (Julianna M. Nemeth, Sherry T. Liu, Elizabeth G. Klein, Amy K. Ferketich, Mei-Po Kwan, and Mary Ellen Wewers)

  • 2012. Smokeless tobacco marketing and sales practices in Appalachian Ohio following Federal regulations. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 14(7): 880-884. (Elizabeth G. Klein, Amy K. Ferketich, Mahmoud Abdel-Rasoul, Mei-Po Kwan, Loren Kenda, and Mary Ellen Wewers)

  • 2012. Using GIS and perceived distance to understand the unequal geographies of healthcare in lower-income urban neighborhoods. The Geographical Journal, 178(1): 18-30. (Tim Hawthorne and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2012. A model for evacuation risk assessment with consideration of pre- and post-disaster factors. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36(3): 207-217. (Xiang Chen, Mei-Po Kwan, Qiang Li, and Jin Chen)

  • 2011. Visualization of socio-spatial isolation based on human activity patterns and social networks in space-time. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 102(4): 468-485. (Jae Yong Lee and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2011. Adolescent sexual intercourse and neighborhood social disorder. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 87(1), S1: A52-A53. (Sarah Wiehe, Mei-Po Kwan, S. Hoch, B. W. Brooks, A. Burgess, J. Wilson, and J. D. Fortenberry)

  • 2011. Examining commuting patterns: Results from a journey-to-work model disaggregated by gender and occupation. Urban Studies, 48(5): 891-909. (Sunhee Sang, Morton O’Kelly, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2011. 3D geographical information systems. In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2010. A century of method-oriented scholarship in the Annals. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(5): 1060-1075. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2010. Postscript. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(5): 1107-1109. (Richard Aspinall, Mei-Po Kwan, Karl Zimmerer, and Audrey Kobayashi)

  • 2010. Time geography and urban planning. Urban Planning International, 25(6): 1-3. (Yanwei Chai, Mei-Po Kwan, and Shih-Lung Shaw; in Chinese)

  • 2010. Commercial density, residential concentration, and crime: Land use patterns and violence in neighborhood context. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 47: 329-357. (Christopher R. Browning, Reginald A. Byron, Catherine A. Calder, Lauren J. Krivo, Mei-Po Kwan, Jae-Yong Lee, and Ruth D. Peterson)

  • 2010. LiDAR assisted emergency response: Detection of transport network obstructions caused by major disasters. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 34: 179-188. (Mei-Po Kwan and Daniel M. Ransberger)

  • 2010. Metropolitan area job accessibility and the working poor: Exploring local spatial variations of geographic context. Urban Geography, 31(4): 498-522. (E. Eric Boschmann and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2010. The neoliberal straitjacket and public education in the U.S.: Understanding contemporary education reform and its implication for urban contexts. Urban Geography, 31(2): 194-210. (Suzanna Klaf and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. From place-based to people-based exposure measures. Social Science and Medicine, 69(9): 1311-1313.(Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. Three recent developments in critical GIS. Cartographica, 44(1): 11-12. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. Quantitative revolution 2: The critical (re)turn. The Professional Geographer, 61(3): 283-291. (Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2009. Critical quantitative geographies. Environment and Planning A, 41(2): 261-264. (Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2009. ‘Doing’ critical geographies with numbers. The Professional Geographer, 61(4): 459-464. (Tim Schwanen and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. The impact of the Internet on human activity-travel patterns: Analysis of gender differences using multi-group structural equation models. Journal of Transport Geography, 17: 440-450. (Fang Ren and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. Decomposing, transforming and contextualizing E-shopping. Environment and Planning B, 36: 195-203. (Martin Dijst, Mei-Po Kwan, and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2009. The impact of geographic context on e-shopping behavior. Environment and Planning B, 36: 262-273. (Fang Ren and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. Quantification. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Geographies, 573-585. Susan J. Smith, Rachel Pain, Sallie A. Marston, and John Paul Jones III (eds.). London: Sage. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. GIS as qualitative research: Knowledge, participatory politics, and cartographies of affect. In The Handbook for Qualitative Methods in Geography, 286-303. eds. Dydia DeLyser, Stuart Aitken, Mike Crang, Steve Herbert and Linda McDowell. London: Sage. (Stuart Aitken and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2009. Gendered rigidity of space-time constraints and human activity patterns: An activity-based approach. In Transportation and Geography, 951-959. Donggen Wang and Si-Ming Li (eds). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. (Mei-Po Kwan, Tim Schwanen, and Fang Ren)

  • 2009. Space-time paths. In Manual of Geographic Information Systems, 427-442. Marguerite Madden (ed.), Bethesda, MD: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Geo-Narrative: Extending geographic information systems for narrative analysis in qualitative and mixed-method research. The Professional Geographer, 60(4): 443-465. (Mei-Po Kwan and Guoxiang Ding).[Abstract]

  • 2008. From oral histories to visual narratives: Re-presenting the post-September 11 experiences of the Muslim women in the United States. Social and Cultural Geography, 9(6): 653-669. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2008. How fixed is fixed? Gendered rigidity of space-time constraints and geographies of everyday activities. Geoforum, 39(6): 2109-2121. (Tim Schwanen, Mei-Po Kwan, and Fang Ren)

  • 2008. ICTs and the decoupling of everyday activities, space and time. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 99(5): 519-527. (Tim Schwanen, Martin Dijst, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Scale and accessibility: Implications for the analysis of land use-travel interaction. Applied Geography, 28: 110-123. (Mei-Po Kwan and Joe Weber) [Abstract]

  • 2008. Mapping ambivalence: Exploring the geographies of community change and rails-to-trails development using photo-based Q-method and PPGIS. Geoforum, 39: 1058-1078. (Tim Hawthorne, John Krygier, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. The Internet, mobile phone and space-time constraints. Geoforum, 39: 1362-1377. (Tim Schwanen and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Towards socially sustainable urban transportation: Progress and potential. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2: 138-157. (E. Eric Boschmann and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Reconceptualizing sociogeographical context for the study of drug use, abuse, and addiction. In Geography and Drug Addiction, 445-454. Yonette Thomas, Douglas Richardson and Ivan Cheung (eds). Berlin: Springer. (Mei-Po Kwan, Ruth Peterson, Christopher Browning, Lori Burrington, Catherine Calder, and Lauren Krivo)

  • 2008. Accessibility, e-shopping, and activity-travel patterns. In Transportation and Management Science, 707-716. H. P. Lo, Stephen C. H. Leung, and Susanna M. L. Tam (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. (Mei-Po Kwan and Fang Ren)

  • 2008. Analysis of human space-time behavior: Geovisualization and geocomputational approaches. In Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains, 93-113. Kathleen S. Hornsby and May Yuan (eds). New York: CRC Press. (Mei-Po Kwan and Fang Ren)

  • 2008. Introduction. In Transport: Critical Essays in Human Geography, xiii-xv. eds. Susan Hanson and Mei-Po Kwan. Aldershot: Ashgate. (Susan Hanson and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Feminist perspectives on geographic information systems: Implications for geographic research. In Gendered Innovations in Science and Engineering, 97-108, ed. Londa Schiebinger. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Critical GIS. In Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science, ed. Karen Kemp. London: Sage. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2008. Analysis of human space-time behavior: Geovisualization and geocomputational approaches. In Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains, 93-113. Kathleen S. Hornsby and May Yuan (eds). New York: CRC Press. (Mei-Po Kwan and Fang Ren)

  • 2008. Emergent methods in feminist geography. In Handbook of Emergent Methods, 613-624. Sharlene N. Hesse-Biber and Patricia Leavy (eds). New York: Guilford. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2007. Mobile communications, social networks, and urban travel: Hypertext as a new metaphor for conceptualizing spatial interaction. The Professional Geographer, 59(4): 434-446. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2007. Geovisualization of human hybrid activity-travel patterns. Transactions in GIS, 11(5): 721-744. (Fang Ren and Mei-Po Kwan) [Figures]

  • 2007. The impact of real-time information on choices during the commute trip: Evidence from a travel simulator. Growth and Change, 38(4): 523-543. (Irene Casas and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2007. Affecting geospatial technologies: Toward a feminist politics of emotion. The Professional Geographer, 59(1): 22-34. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 2007. The interaction between ICT and human activity-travel behavior. Transportation Research A, 41(2): 121-124. (Mei-Po Kwan, Martin Dijst, and Tim Schwanen)

  • 2007. Introduction: Geographies of Muslim identities. In Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging, 1-9. Cara Aitchison, Peter Hopkins and Mei-Po Kwan (eds). Aldershot: Ashgate. (Peter E. Hopkins, Mei-Po Kwan, and Cara Aitchison)

  • 2007. Hybrid GIS and cultural economic geography. In Politics and Practice in Economic Geography, 165-175, eds. Adam Tickell, Eric Sheppard, Jamie Peck and Trevor Barnes. London: Sage. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2006. Doing qualitative research using GIS: An oxymoronic endeavor? Environment and Planning A, 38(11): 1999-2002. (Mei-Po Kwan and LaDona Knigge)

  • 2006. Transport geography in the age of mobile communications. Journal of Transport Geography, 14: 384-385. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2006. The Internet, changing mobilities and urban dynamics. Urban Geography, 27(7): 585-589. (Tim Schwanen, Martin Dijst, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2006. GABRIEL: GIS activity-based travel simulator: Activity scheduling in the presence of real-time information. Geoinformatica, 10:469-493. (Mei-Po Kwan and Irene Casas)

  • 2006. Geospatial ontology development and semantic analytics. Transactions in GIS, 10(4): 551-575. (I. Budak Arpinar, Amit Sheth, Cartic Ramakrishnan, Lynn Usery, Molly Azami and Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2006. Conceptualizing socially sustainable urban rransport. In Sustainable Transportation. S.C. Wong, T.D. Hau, J.J. Wang, K.W. Chau, and H.W. Ho (eds.) Hung Hom, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. (E. Eric Boschmann and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2005. A combinatorial data model for representing topological relations among 3D geographic features in micro-spatial environment. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(19): 1039-1056. (Jiyeong Lee and Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2005. Emergency response after 9/11: The potential of real-time 3D GIS for quick emergency response in micro-spatial environments. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29(2): 93-113.. (Mei-Po Kwan and Jiyeong Lee) [Abstract]

  • 2005. Critical GIS. Cartographica, 40(4): 1-4. (Francis Harvey, Mei-Po Kwan and Marianna Pavlovskaya)

  • 2005. Measuring activity and action space/time: Are our methods keeping pace with evolving behaviour patterns? In Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models: Behavioural Foundations, 101-132, eds. Martin E.H. Lee-Gosselin and Sean T. Doherty. Oxford: Pergamon-Elsevier. (Talia M. McCray, Martin E.H. Lee-Gosselin, and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2005. Accessibility and the quality of life: Time-geographic perspectives. In Social Dimensions of Sustainable Transport: Transatlantic Perspectives, 109-126, eds. Kieran Donaghy, Georg Rudinger and Stefan Poppelreuter. Aldershot: Ashgate. (Martin Dijst and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2004. Beyond difference: From canonical geography to hybrid geographies. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(4): 756-763. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2004. GIS methods in time-geographic research: Geocomputation and geovisualization of human activity patterns. Geografiska Annaler B, 86(4): 205-218. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2004. Protection of geoprivacy and accuracy of spatial information: How effective are geographical masks? Cartographica, 39(2):15-28. (Mei-Po Kwan, Irene Casas, and Ben C. Schmitz) [Abstract]

  • 2004. Issues of privacy protection and analysis of public health data. Cartographica, 39(2):1-4. (Mei-Po Kwan and Nadine Schuurman)

  • 2004. Taking a walk on the social side of GIS. Cartographica, 39(1):1-3. (Nadine Schuurman and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2004. Geovisualization of human activity patterns using 3D GIS: A time-geographic approach. In Spatially Integrated Social Science, 48-66, eds. Michael F. Goodchild and Donald G. Janelle. New York: Oxford University Press. (Mei-Po Kwan and Jiyeong Lee) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 2004. 'Real' bodies, 'real' technologies. In Geography and Technology, 383-399, eds. Stanley D. Brunn, Susan L. Cutter and James W. Harrington. Norwell, MA: Kluwer. (Pamela Moss and Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2003. Gender troubles in the Internet era. Feminist Media Studies, 3(3): 371-374. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2003. Individual accessibility revisited: Implications for geographical analysis in the twenty-first Century. Geographical Analysis, 35(4):341-353. (Mei-Po Kwan and Joe Weber) [Abstract]

  • 2003. Accessibility in space and time: A theme in spatially integrated social science. Journal of Geographical Systems, 5(1):1-3. (Mei-Po Kwan, Donald G. Janelle, and Michael F. Goodchild)

  • 2003. Recent advances in accessibility research: Representation, methodology and applications. Journal of Geographical Systems, 5(1):129-138. (Mei-Po Kwan, Alan T. Murray, Morton O’Kelly, and Michael Tiefelsdorf) [Abstract]

  • 2003. Evaluating the effects of geographic contexts on individual accessibility: A multilevel approach. Urban Geography, 24(8):647-671. (Joe Weber and Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2003. Space-time accessibility measures: A geocomputational algorithm with a focus on the feasible opportunity set and possible activity duration. Journal of Geographical Systems, 5(1): 71-91. (Hyun-Mi Kim and Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 2003. Intelligent emergency response systems. In The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism, 111-116, Susan L. Cutter, Douglas B. Richardson and Thomas J. Wilbanks (eds). New York: Routledge. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2002. Feminist visualization: Re-envisioning GIS as a method in feminist geographic research. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 92(4):645-661. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 2002. Time, information technologies and the geographies of everyday life. Urban Geography, 23(5):471-482. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2002. Is GIS for women: Reflections on the critical discourse in the 1990s. Gender, Place and Culture, 9(3):271-279. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2002. Feminist geography and GIS. Gender, Place and Culture, 9(3):261-262. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2002. Bringing time back In: A study on the influence of travel time variations and facility opening hours on individual accessibility. The Professional Geographer, 54(2):226-240. (Joe Weber and Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 2002. Quantitative methods and feminist geographic research. In Feminist Geography in Practice: Research and Methods, 160-173, ed. Pamela Moss. Oxford: Blackwell. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2001. Cyberspatial cognition and individual access to information: The behavioral foundation of cybergeography. Environment and Planning B, 28(1):21-37. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figure]

  • 2000. Interactive geovisualization of activity-travel patterns using three-dimensional geographical information systems: A methodological exploration with a large data set. Transportation Research C, 8:185-203. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 2000. Gender differences in space-time constraints. Area, 32(2):145-156. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2000. Analysis of human spatial behavior in a GIS environment: Recent developments and future prospects. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2(1):85-90. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract]

  • 2000. Distributed database design for mobile geographical applications. Journal of Database Management, 11(1):3-17. (Manhoi Choy, Mei-Po Kwan, and Hong Va Leong). [Abstract]

  • 2000. Interactive geovisualization of activity-travel patterns using 3D GIS. In Geographic Information Systems in Transportation Research, ed. Jean-Claude Thill. New York: Pergamon. (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 2000. Human extensibility and individual hybrid-accessibility in space-time: A multi-scale representation using GIS. In Information, Place, and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility, 241-256, ed. Donald Janelle and David Hodge. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 1999. Gender, the home-work link, and space-time patterns of non-employment activities. Economic Geography, 75(4):370-394. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 1999. Gender and individual access to urban opportunities: A study using space-time measures. The Professional Geographer, 51(2):210-227. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 1998. Space-time and integral measures of individual accessibility: A comparative analysis using a point-based framework. Geographical Analysis, 30(3):191-216. (Mei-Po Kwan) [Abstract] [Figures]

  • 1998. Network-based constraints-oriented choice set formation using GIS. Geographical Systems, 5:139-162. (Mei-Po Kwan and Xiao-Dong Hong) [Abstract]

  • 1998. Information representation for driver decision support systems. In Theoretical Foundations of Travel Choice Modelling, 281-303, eds. Tommy Garling, Thomas Laitila and Kerstin Westin. New York: Pergamon. (Mei-Po Kwan, Reginald G. Golledge, and Jon Speigle)

  • 1997. GISICAS: An activity-based travel decision support system using a GIS-interfaced computational-process model. In Activity-Based Approaches To Travel Analysis, 263-282, edited by Dick F. Ettema and Harry J.P. Timmermans. New York: Pergamon.  (Mei-Po Kwan)

  • 1997. Computational process modelling of disaggregate travel behaviour. In Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis: Spatial Statistics, Behavioural Modelling and Neurocomputing, 171-185, edited by Manfred M. Fischer and Arthur Getis. Springer-Verlag: Berlin. (Mei-Po Kwan and Reginald G. Golledge)


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